in memory of m8 DoD   id:  825585
Name in memory of m8 DoD
Shorthandle m8
Registered since 04/06/04
IRC #m8.clan  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of mighty eight
Headquarters  Germany / Mainz
IRC #m8.clan  (QuakeNet)
Join team
~ 6on6 DoD team of Mighty 8 ~

This team is part of the "Mighty Eight", a German fun clan. We love to play online and spend a lot of time preparing for matches and working on tactics. Fair Play is our first goal. Therefore we will always respect our opponents. We expect the same from you.

Please don't forget to do the mandatory STEAMID screenshot.

We have our own server and HLTV – ready to play. If one team might have a disadvantage because of a bad connection in an international match, we prefer to play half of the match on our server and the other half on your server.

The best times for matches against us are monday and wednesday evenings at 20:30 CET. The best way to contact us is via IRC or ICQ. We idle in the following QuakeNet Channels: #m8.clan and #esl.dod, Matchorga is done by ace. He should be contacted first if you want to challenge us.

We are looking forward to play challenging and fair games.