Northern Lions  MW3  id:  8332509
Name Northern Lions
Shorthandle nLions
Registered since 06/04/14
Headquarters  Germany
PlanB  and  ruuX
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 5on5 Sunday Cup #3
wins   in memory of LeiSuRe MW3  + 2 Sunday, 04/05/14 12:45 13
wins   eLecteD eSports *CLOSED*  + 2 Sunday, 04/05/14 11:30 15
wins   In memory of Nozone Team  + 2 Sunday, 04/05/14 10:15 14
wins   Team ROCKSOLiD  + 2 Sunday, 04/05/14 09:00 12
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 5on5 Spring Series 2014 Playoffs
loss   Tears of the Sun  0 Thursday, 01/05/14 15:30 16
wins   eLecteD eSports *CLOSED*  + 2 Thursday, 01/05/14 14:15 9
wins   PUBLIC HEROES 2.6  + 2 Thursday, 01/05/14 13:00 15
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 5on5 Spring Series 2014 Cup #2
loss   Aerosol CoD MW3  0 Sunday, 13/04/14 12:00 13
wins   PUBLIC HEROES 2.6  + 2 Sunday, 13/04/14 11:00 16
wins   PheneX eSports  + 2 Sunday, 13/04/14 10:00 15


Northern Lions is an evolving e-Sports project formed in 2013 driven by passion of experienced individuals within the gaming industry.

Email [email protected]

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