Rating Gaming XP .in memory of CoD2 EU Leagues

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Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.07.07 In Memory of Good old Time Detail
18.07.07 ZooClan Detail
04.07.07 raC.Rantopad.cod2 5on5 goodgame Detail
20.06.07 eEriness Detail
20.06.07 GUMIBEAR ok thx Detail
14.06.07 Chefkoch CoD Detail
07.06.07 ZooClan Detail
04.05.07 Generation X Detail
31.03.07 diVini Detail
28.03.07 Another View COD2 Team Detail
21.03.07 south thuringia warriors Detail
14.03.07 High Skill hehe gg ;] Detail
13.03.07 diVini Detail
06.03.07 The Danish Infantry Squat Detail
06.02.07 BliC clan Detail
31.01.07 south thuringia warriors Nice War.. gute Leute Detail
16.01.07 7502 Detail