Rating Team SynchroniC 5on5 

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Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.02.11 CLIPTEK.de - laPLAY Detail
17.01.11 BLK-Endzeit COD4 5on5 Team Detail
19.12.10 Intec eSports COD 4 Detail
09.12.10 exGFevo gg Detail
15.09.10 AX Pyro gg gutes spiel Detail
06.09.10 InCardia.CoD4 - 5on5 Detail
16.08.10 AX Pyro Detail
09.08.10 Open Fire Germany gg Detail
02.08.10 Team TH.eFRAG Detail
12.07.10 Saar Fun Crew Detail
02.07.10 coHesion Gaming wie immer :> schönes spiel ;=) Detail
24.05.10 KG.Clan-Cod4 Detail
17.05.10 rockz eSports CoD4 GG++ rematch pls! :> Detail
03.05.10 coHesion Gaming spannend - gerne wieder Detail
16.04.10 instant -- -- Detail
10.03.10 Project Mercenary LoL Detail
08.03.10 tss.gaming.cod4 Detail
24.01.10 Platinum-eSports gg Detail

Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.12.10 fA Team Detail
20.09.10 1StepCloser gg Detail
19.09.10 Team @IBR 5on5 Detail
19.09.10 HOOTAX.de Detail
03.09.10 INACTIVEGAMNG Detail
29.08.10 myeSport.cod4 5on5 Detail
28.06.10 eSTARZ.CoD4 Detail
21.06.10 Gamers-Fightclub Detail
01.06.10 Sie nannten ihn Mr.Becker Detail
24.05.10 eSTARZ.CoD4 Detail
18.05.10 soonDELETE Detail
13.05.10 SUPERMEN !ESL Training Detail
11.05.10 Open Fire Germany Detail
06.05.10 Independent Offensive Network Detail
25.03.10 kinetix eSports GG, good players, nice guys. Detail
15.03.10 miXd inc. CoD 4 Detail