Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating INTERNATIONALE BOSSE back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created from rating comment match 12.12.10 ANONYMNI ALKOHOLICI! Detail 12.12.10 Cranberry Detail 12.12.10 Gamer-Association Detail 12.12.10 breakyou.EU Detail 11.12.10 LaH int Detail 11.12.10 sensation Detail 11.12.10 goNzO Detail 09.12.10 YEAHYEAH CLAN Detail 09.12.10 inRAGE - Main Team Detail 09.12.10 FC Holzkoepfe Internationale Detail 09.12.10 Global eSport Artists Detail 08.12.10 FC Holzkoepfe Internationale Detail 07.12.10 doubleDare Detail 06.12.10 eXpressive-eSports Detail 06.12.10 eLitasports Detail 06.12.10 MeetOurSkill Crew!! cs 1.6 Detail 05.12.10 LAN1ATOREN.cup gG Detail 05.12.10 breakyou.EU Detail 05.12.10 Paranormal gG Detail 05.12.10 legendR; Detail 04.12.10 EMPTY FRIDGE GAMING Detail 28.11.10 eps mix Detail 28.11.10 uNNatürlich Detail 27.11.10 just Detail 27.11.10 LaH int Detail 27.11.10 The Titans Detail 24.11.10 PWPUTTY Detail 24.11.10 toot toot boing boing Detail 24.11.10 Tuff eNuff Detail 21.11.10 FOR MOTHER AUSTANY Detail 21.11.10 doubleDare Detail 27.10.10 energy drink Detail 27.10.10 Eierköppe on Tour Detail 26.10.10 kennste wa? Detail 26.10.10 12pps Detail 26.10.10 YEAHYEAH CLAN Detail 23.10.10 feels Detail 20.10.10 hadokenN Detail 18.10.10 insanity Detail 18.10.10 team ne4pz Detail 13.08.10 Eskalations Team gg - gut gebueckt Detail 13.08.10 s!ght sTep g Detail 12.08.10 Momo ist rip Detail 09.08.10 YATTAYATTA Detail 08.08.10 grabu Detail 08.08.10 hadokenN Detail 07.08.10 s!ght sTep Detail 05.08.10 YATTAYATTA Detail 05.08.10 Eskalations Team gg - gut gebueckt Detail 05.08.10 SNOOPY Detail 04.08.10 Rudelgurken Detail 03.06.10 autumn mix Detail 02.06.10 zerspalter Detail 02.06.10 Dark cheater.. hacken um ihr leben Detail 02.06.10 Horror 5on5 int Detail 02.06.10 sensation Detail 01.06.10 TANK Detail 01.06.10 Horror 5on5 int Detail 01.06.10 The Dark Knights gg Detail 31.05.10 CyborgPirateNinjaJesusCaptain Detail 31.05.10 CHUPA CHUPS Detail 30.05.10 2233 Detail 30.05.10 freSh.eSports Detail