Rating Piraten 

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Counter-Strike 2on2 AIM Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.07.11 yes yes y0 Detail
04.07.11 ANAL PENETRATOR Detail
03.07.11 dutttduttt Detail
03.07.11 wir rasieren Detail
03.07.11 dutttduttt Detail
03.07.11 fratzenbuch Detail
01.07.11 RAGE Detail
01.07.11 Winter 2012 Detail
30.06.11 PIPINO & NYTRO Detail
30.06.11 uberweiss Detail
30.06.11 rofrofrof Detail
29.06.11 RAGE Detail
29.06.11 uberweiss Detail
29.06.11 KEINE 2on2-Profis Detail
29.06.11 kebabed Detail
27.06.11 testifuroncle Detail
27.06.11 Transe love in Allen gg :) Detail
26.06.11 YOU JUST GOT RICK ROLLED paused at the game.... Detail
26.06.11 me m1d or feed kack map Detail
22.06.11 intuition Detail
22.06.11 STRAFEN nc.. Detail
22.06.11 ViolatioN Detail
22.06.11 54-2-9 TOP #10 Detail
20.06.11 GREEN MONEY Detail
20.06.11 H34DSH0TG1V3R Detail
20.06.11 super! Detail
20.06.11 herten south central Detail
13.06.11 eax Detail
23.05.11 IR0N_F1ST Detail
18.05.11 riten & Indywidualista. Detail
18.05.11 UBERKRASS inkl. gut geluckt meine fresse Detail
18.05.11 nemogusmislitime Detail
18.05.11 Headshotschräge Detail
18.05.11 animosity Detail
18.05.11 UBERKRASS inkl. Detail
17.05.11 i.NTERNET Detail
17.05.11 zbijav3 Detail
17.05.11 DACO DAJ Detail
01.05.11 rec 2on2 Detail
01.05.11 lolande Detail
01.05.11 Zakon Detail
30.04.11 HAPPYFACE Detail
30.04.11 theBEST Detail
30.04.11 12/04/2011 Detail
30.04.11 bryxy Detail
08.12.10 skill to kill Detail
08.12.10 Freie Agenten Detail
08.11.10 FRANCE! kALLEN Detail
07.11.10 pinakothek Detail
13.10.10 TeamSulejow.cs Detail
12.10.10 baaah Detail
12.10.10 Lux Aeterna Detail
12.10.10 sidekick Detail
08.10.10 lass mal pcw Detail
08.10.10 Pair Of Aces Detail
07.10.10 bosshaftes verhalten Detail
06.10.10 stoffkörper r3 Detail
06.10.10 roha i teo Detail
05.10.10 WhyUSerious? Detail
23.09.10 verAIMeN Detail
22.09.10 alkohola kralj Detail
22.09.10 Tr4nSw04m1nG Detail
22.09.10 Tyski Squad Detail
22.09.10 WeWanted! 2on2 Team Detail
21.09.10 aml Götter GG Detail
20.09.10 y0e Detail
20.09.10 STILL ALIVE Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Funmap Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.07.11 MAD Detail
22.06.11 Lows only am flamen ! Detail
22.06.11 Truthrap * Detail
23.05.11 RASENMÄHER INC. Detail
12.05.11 G46 alda Detail
01.05.11 team druged Detail
18.04.11 klingelingelinq Detail
02.04.11 Schmiedewerk Detail
24.02.11 secure shell I Detail
24.02.11 Its a me Detail
24.02.11 400 Detail
24.02.11 team222 Detail

Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Aimmap Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.02.11 wondering Detail