Rating why everything supposed to be bad

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Counter-Strike 2on2 AIM Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.05.10 C EST LES LOIS DE CS MEC Detail
23.04.10 13:37 Detail
22.04.10 Pinky&Brain Detail
21.04.10 allstars Detail
21.04.10 Schwach Detail
21.04.10 waYap aimen Detail
21.04.10 Andre & Ole ftw Detail
21.04.10 BTM SQUAD Detail
19.04.10 lass mal pcw Detail
19.04.10 Gruene Brille AND BEN Detail
19.04.10 kolle der b0ss Detail
19.04.10 4 MoOos 4 TARdinho Detail
19.04.10 TONTONCR3W STYLE Detail
17.04.10 LOoooOooser AML top!! Detail
15.04.10 eLeCtrO.o feat. pum1eE Detail
14.04.10 Pointofview! FLEMOOW-XLS Detail
14.04.10 la familia Detail
14.04.10 ART2PLAY Detail
18.06.09 apokalypse Detail
30.05.09 heyjeffreY Detail
30.05.09 DHZ - Gaming Detail
22.05.09 eLeCtrO-Schlümpfe der FreaKz Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.06.09 aimbit.ch Detail
30.05.08 HPZ.cs2on2.int Detail
27.05.08 Ostseehammer Detail

Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Aimmap Ladder
created to rating comment match
17.06.09 Team Interlecktuell Detail
01.06.09 J 4 I L B 4 I T Detail
30.05.09 The Brother-s Detail
30.05.09 Gsa.Mixed_2on2_aimladder Detail
18.05.09 RABAUKE_N Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Quickie Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.05.08 THE F12 JOKER Detail
18.04.08 llllllllllllll Detail
18.04.08 warteschleife1 Detail
16.04.08 baembaembaem Detail
11.04.08 cl9n Detail
08.04.08 marci0 feat. gErry gg Detail
03.04.08 ritz ritz we are the emokids Detail
13.03.08 YEAH gg Detail
13.03.08 marci und yanni sind schwul kk Detail
13.03.08 core2 gg Detail
12.03.08 see ya in heaven Detail
10.03.08 mach das fett warm gg Detail
10.03.08 QUICKIEEEEE v.2 gg Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.02.08 team n9ne gg Detail
21.02.08 Cops-United - Team Bavaria - Detail
21.02.08 AC MAILCELONA Detail
21.02.08 noodi 'n st0ni Detail
15.02.08 Hades e.V. Mantikor 2on2 gg Detail
15.02.08 freewin INAKTIV gg Detail
13.02.08 Steinbach MITTE lucken, flamen, nubs Detail
13.02.08 the Lucky Nitroman Detail