Contacts & Buddies
Michael 'Teufel' Schmidts  id: 432056
Name Michael Schmidts
Nick Teufel
Member since 05/02/03
Age / Gender 39 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Industriemechaniker
Main team
Der Tod eines Einzelnen ist eine Tragödie, der Tod von Millionen eine Statistik. *Josef Stalin*

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Recent matches
  Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR15 pistols only
win 6096452  +4 Thursday, 16/02/12 14:40 3
win 3784651  +6 Friday, 03/02/12 11:30 3
  Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
win 4753811  +15 Thursday, 16/02/12 12:00 3
win 1835489  +15 Sunday, 12/02/12 11:00 3
win 6423235  +15 Saturday, 11/02/12 14:30 3
win 2605510  +24 Thursday, 09/02/12 11:30 3
win 4343067  +18 Thursday, 09/02/12 10:30 3
  Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 MR9 AWP Ladder
win 2605510  +2 Thursday, 09/02/12 12:00 3
win 1820597  +2 Sunday, 05/02/12 08:00 5
win sTEVEEE  +2 Saturday, 04/02/12 08:00 5
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