Contacts & Buddies
ajvn  id: 5165801
Name --
Nick ajvn
Member since 05/07/10
Age / Gender 32 Years / male
Nationality  Serbia
Territory Serbia
Main team Team Serbia.CoD4
Homepage --
Level & Awards
CoD4 MW (PC)
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Recent matches
  CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
loss Johnny  -17 Sunday, 09/12/12 09:00 3
loss 5013054  -40 Sunday, 16/09/12 13:00 2
win 6333494  +21 Thursday, 06/09/12 04:30 3
loss 5408854  -35 Sunday, 02/09/12 03:35 4
draw 2630572  -14 Saturday, 01/09/12 10:00 3
win (bye)  Friday, 31/08/12 10:00 5
win (bye)  Friday, 17/08/12 08:00 3
win 6333494  +16 Friday, 17/08/12 04:55 3
win 6619283  +19 Thursday, 16/08/12 05:25 2
win 6594290  +19 Wednesday, 15/08/12 11:00 3
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