Contacts & Buddies
Nenad 'Razedzz' Tanaskovic  id: 6299853
Name Nenad Tanaskovic
Nick Razedzz
Member since 22/10/11
Age / Gender 28 Years / male
Nationality  Serbia
Territory Switzerland
Occupation Logistik
Main team LucidCH
Homepage --
╔══► Skill : Low [ ] Mid [ ] High [x]
╠════► Aktivität : Aktiv [ ] Inaktiv [x]
╠══════► Clan : -
╠════════► Gaming since : 2005
╚══════════► Weapons : AWP, AK47, Deagle.
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
League of Legends
StarCraft II
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
win 6326431  +23 Monday, 11/03/13 14:00
loss 7474415  -20 Friday, 08/03/13 14:00
loss 7332282  -20 Thursday, 07/03/13 13:00 1
loss 7526572  -20 Wednesday, 06/03/13 13:00 1
loss 7474415  -20 Tuesday, 05/03/13 13:00
win 7516549  +21 Sunday, 03/03/13 11:00
win 6326431  +25 Thursday, 28/02/13 13:00
win 6418941  +25 Monday, 25/02/13 13:00
loss 7474415  -20 Sunday, 24/02/13 11:00
win 7525672  +25 Saturday, 23/02/13 11:00
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