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J3FF  id: 78757
Name Andreas 
Nick J3FF
Member since 09/03/01
Age / Gender 42 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team Extraordinary Club of Unreal Tournament 3 Players
1982 ==> 1999 Console gamer. Since 1999 a PC gamer.
I've been playing:
CS, Frontline Force, CS: Source, Tribes 2, UT (99, 2k3, 2k4, 3), Q3, Q4, BF 1942, Desert Combat, BF 2, Painkiller, War§ow, Crysis, America's Army Operations.
NASCAR Racing 4, NASCAR Racing 2002 + 2003, 1nsane, GTR, GTR 2 and many more :D  more...  
Level & Awards
Battlefield 3
Clubs  public
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