hesdeaf  id: 11513990
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 Monday Swiss Cup #30 Europe East
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09.11.20 mirallees93 Detail
FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 Thursday Swiss Cup #25 Europe West
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05.11.20 kh10_96 Detail
05.11.20 Luisinho4514 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #3
created from rating comment match
21.10.18 12888436 Detail
21.10.18 Nermin_1 Detail
21.10.18 12890791 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.10.18 Zimme Detail
07.10.18 Ander8 Detail
07.10.18 Akis Detail
07.10.18 12878616 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #36
created from rating comment match
10.06.18 9203900 Detail
10.06.18 10739614 Detail
10.06.18 zAz1k Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #35
created from rating comment match
03.06.18 10989190 Detail
03.06.18 12505796 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #32
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13.05.18 12415911 Detail
13.05.18 ItsTxze Detail
13.05.18 Chips Detail
13.05.18 10834852 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe April 2018 Finals
created from rating comment match
08.05.18 12394679 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #31
created from rating comment match
06.05.18 10767778 Detail
06.05.18 Michu23 Detail
06.05.18 10738607 Detail
06.05.18 12437749 Detail
06.05.18 12401245 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Community Cup #23 Europe
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03.05.18 Kuba087 Detail
03.05.18 8421232 Detail
03.05.18 Michu23 Detail
03.05.18 Carlosbt Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #30
created from rating comment match
29.04.18 10767778 Detail
29.04.18 8806296 Detail
29.04.18 KeenZo 20 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #29
created from rating comment match
22.04.18 12394679 Detail
22.04.18 Reigns18 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #28
created from rating comment match
15.04.18 11841222 Detail
15.04.18 11858595 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Community Cup #21 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.04.18 12194314 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #7 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.04.18 8833588 Detail
05.04.18 9878561 Detail
05.04.18 12193292 Detail
05.04.18 12294106 Detail
05.04.18 12382565 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Easter Cup 2018 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.04.18 12374885 Lag Detail
02.04.18 8469643 Detail
02.04.18 IP Dejwo99 Detail
02.04.18 4831128 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #26
created from rating comment match
01.04.18 10767778 Detail
01.04.18 BeneCR7x Detail
01.04.18 Jero Detail
01.04.18 12050298 Detail
01.04.18 10641333 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Community Cup Europe #20
created from rating comment match
29.03.18 Kuba087 Detail
29.03.18 2749844 Always lagging ! Not possible to defend Detail
29.03.18 11849628 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #25
created from rating comment match
25.03.18 6827807 Detail
25.03.18 10738607 Detail
25.03.18 BeneCR7x Detail
25.03.18 10579695 Detail
FIFA 18 (One) 1on1 Community Cup Europe #19
created from rating comment match
22.03.18 12021917 Detail
22.03.18 10507999 Detail
22.03.18 Toni2105 Detail
22.03.18 12294106 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #24
created from rating comment match
18.03.18 XejDom Detail
18.03.18 11723763 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #23
created from rating comment match
11.03.18 8682154 Detail
11.03.18 11875099 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #43
created from rating comment match
23.07.17 10554641 He left the match on the 90\' Detail