LaV  id: 2009814
[ Match Ratings ]
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CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created from rating comment match
07.02.11 r4zEr Detail
07.02.11 benjo Detail
07.02.11 5173319 Detail
07.01.11 4829015 Detail
01.01.11 1635272 Detail
01.01.11 alaKrity Detail
01.01.11 pN777 Detail
31.12.10 3292267 Detail
31.12.10 3115771 Detail
30.12.10 patges gg Detail
30.12.10 2328212 Detail
29.12.10 2411442 Detail
29.12.10 silveNn'R32 Detail
29.12.10 4122092 Detail
29.12.10 4831120 Detail
29.12.10 1540869 Detail
29.12.10 5503624 gg Detail
29.12.10 SoRaX Detail
29.12.10 3590514 Detail
29.12.10 1540869 Detail
29.12.10 5015154 Detail
29.12.10 5438786 Detail
29.12.10 2355257 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Neujahrscup 2011
created from rating comment match
24.01.11 1005371 Detail
10.01.11 280848 gg Detail
04.01.11 4282046 Detail
01.01.11 checkMe Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 MTG-Cup #4
created from rating comment match
05.12.10 2766903 Detail
05.12.10 795133 Detail
05.12.10 harlekiNN cheater <3 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
21.11.10 1581467 Detail
16.11.10 unsichtbaer Detail
12.11.10 av3nger Detail
31.10.10 1662281 Detail
19.10.10 1806344 Detail
12.10.10 1460968 Detail
04.10.10 2551723 Detail
31.08.10 3643933 diese reaktion ist mir merkwürdig die haben meine spieler nitmal mit schnelligkeit auf max Detail
31.08.10 1662281 Detail
23.08.10 1460968 Detail
09.08.10 869691 Detail
03.06.09 2550886 nice player Detail
28.05.09 2310091 gg Detail
11.05.09 2259401 Detail
04.05.09 2157253 Detail
28.04.09 Kralle Detail
28.04.09 Teaser GG Detail
15.04.09 Raid on Detail
24.03.09 Michel Detail
20.03.09 2310091 gg Detail
17.03.09 1576551 Detail
02.03.09 Pew Pew GG Detail
24.02.09 kraeuterhex' Detail
27.01.09 2874922 Detail
20.01.09 flq Detail
18.01.09 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
12.01.09 334092 Detail
09.01.09 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
06.01.09 schefrocker Detail
30.12.08 FleXus Detail
01.12.08 736497 gg Detail
23.11.08 2157253 Detail
18.11.08 sUckLOL Detail
12.11.08 Ellington Detail
12.11.08 56269 Detail
05.11.08 Flo gg Detail
20.10.08 56269 Detail
30.09.08 1576551 Detail
25.09.08 sUckLOL Detail
15.09.08 2157253 Detail
03.09.08 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
01.09.08 iraYzer Detail
22.08.08 sUckLOL Detail
21.08.08 56269 Detail
17.08.08 2157253 Detail
14.07.08 56269 Detail
10.07.08 f L o gg Detail
06.07.08 Venom gg Detail
23.06.08 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
15.06.08 Snip'ozg' Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Blitzcup #8
created from rating comment match
17.11.10 1642410 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Fungame Contest Cup #2
created from rating comment match
07.11.10 1460968 Detail
05.11.10 av3nger gg :) Detail
30.10.10 Daggi Detail
26.10.10 1662281 Detail
22.10.10 620358 Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 MTG-Cup #1
created from rating comment match
04.11.10 renamed by ESL Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Starter Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.11.10 959701 gg Detail
07.10.10 s1ghTy Detail
01.10.10 kensen gg++ Detail
17.09.10 K R N Z L R Detail
16.09.10 rilaxN Detail
14.09.10 1576551 Detail
14.09.10 Sonic Detail
04.09.10 1993330 Detail
03.09.10 crack Detail
26.08.10 1576551 Detail
22.08.10 503196 Detail
10.08.10 1576551 Detail
05.08.10 1387812 Detail
07.12.09 3780799 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Starter Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.11.10 959701 gg Detail
21.10.10 959701 gg Detail
07.10.10 4037435 Detail
25.09.10 736445 ergebniss eingeben aber screen nicht hochladen ohne kontrolle = pps Detail
14.09.10 K R N Z L R Detail
12.09.10 Sonic Detail
05.09.10 1081192 Detail
29.08.10 murd3r gg Detail
16.08.10 K R N Z L R Detail
12.08.10 grynn Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.10.10 renamed by ESL Detail
22.09.10 renamed by ESL Detail
19.09.10 Shorty gg++ Detail
16.09.10 renamed by ESL Detail
21.08.10 harlekiNN flame flame flame :o Detail
09.08.10 5235106 Detail
09.08.10 1708330 gg netter typ :) Detail
08.08.10 795133 Detail
08.08.10 harlekiNN Detail
08.08.10 Shorty gg Detail
08.08.10 buster Detail
08.08.10 Vadda Detail
06.08.10 Hanni Detail
05.08.10 574485 Detail
05.08.10 795133 nettes Match - thx Detail
05.08.10 harlekiNN TT folgt ! :-* Detail
05.08.10 buster Detail
05.08.10 Hanni Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.10.10 1534515 hat haare Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Blitzcup #1
created from rating comment match
02.10.10 730009 Detail
25.09.10 Jenova GG Detail
Testing Area Counter-Strike 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
28.09.10 Under7aker Detail
21.09.10 1534515 Detail
18.09.10 Under7aker Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #6
created from rating comment match
15.09.10 1461655 Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #5
created from rating comment match
08.09.10 his1nightmare Detail
08.09.10 Vadda Detail
08.09.10 MoerchenOppi gg Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #3
created from rating comment match
18.08.10 2159147 gg Detail
18.08.10 2068592 Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #2
created from rating comment match
11.08.10 Vadda beste wo gibt Detail
Magic: The Gathering 1on1 Opening Cup #1
created from rating comment match
04.08.10 1746845 taschentuch? Detail
04.08.10 2068592 Detail
04.08.10 verdi gg wp immer wieder gerne Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.03.09 602159 gg Detail
08.02.09 446782 gg Detail
27.01.09 736497 gg Detail
24.01.09 av3nger Detail
21.01.09 Raid on gg Detail
19.07.08 kirsch Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
20.01.09 1251260 Detail
17.01.09 av3nger Detail
14.01.09 fk_muck1 Detail
13.01.09 Kallehell gg Detail
10.01.09 1178625 gg Detail
10.01.09 Laurusia gg Detail
06.01.09 2690100 gg Detail
03.01.09 602159 gg nice Detail
09.12.08 736497 gg Detail
02.12.08 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
11.11.08 tSoPeLiXxX Detail
04.11.08 602159 gg nice Detail
28.10.08 Al' Detail
21.10.08 schefrocker gg Detail
15.10.08 736497 gg Detail
12.10.08 daz one Detail
23.09.08 Kallehell Detail
20.09.08 flq Detail
15.08.08 FleXus Detail
09.08.08 prvrs Detail
11.06.08 2159792 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.01.09 daz one Detail
08.01.09 3450608 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.01.09 3756776 Detail
06.01.09 r0ckY Detail
06.01.09 1231372 Detail
06.01.09 mausek Detail
05.01.09 2606216 Detail
05.01.09 J.FlasH gg Detail
05.01.09 1492627 Detail
05.01.09 635313 Detail
05.01.09 251680 Detail
05.01.09 KarteKpL Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.01.09 3758524 Detail
06.01.09 Michel Detail
06.01.09 3123727 Detail
06.01.09 1402781 Detail
06.01.09 2172251 Detail
06.01.09 r0ckY Detail
06.01.09 2570832 Detail
06.01.09 3117887 lustiges match^^ Detail
06.01.09 1065557 gg Detail
06.01.09 2532484 Detail
05.01.09 3284478 Detail
05.01.09 766158 Detail
05.01.09 3399754 Detail
05.01.09 r0ckY Detail
05.01.09 766158 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Olympiade 2008
created from rating comment match
29.08.08 1576551 Detail