Emma.  id: 4175680
[ Match Ratings ]
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Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight #106 - 1on1 MR10 AWP -08.07.
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08.07.12 563569 Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight Knife MR10 - 1on1 - 18.03.
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18.03.12 LegendeNN Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
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10.03.12 5993008 Detail
04.02.12 sucukmeister Detail
13.01.12 6213632 Detail
21.12.11 ToDi Detail
17.09.11 2510696 Detail
24.06.11 sm4ck Detail
23.06.11 3512770 Detail
23.06.11 highEND Detail
22.06.11 4014307 Detail
20.05.11 4683109 Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight #89 - 1on1 Standard - 19.02.
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19.02.12 f1os Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight #87- 1on1 Querbeet - 05.02.
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05.02.12 HyugaaTV Detail
05.02.12 SportY Detail
Counter-Strike Nightcup 538 - 1on1 MR15 - 05.01.
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05.01.12 PEGA Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap FunNight #82 - 1on1 Standard - 18.12.
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18.12.11 GILETTE ABDI Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Herbstcup 2011 Qualitag 3 Cup #3
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13.11.11 xano Detail
Trusted Cups Counter-Strike Preisgeld Cup #10
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10.08.11 Hawk Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AWP Ladder Old
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29.06.11 Butcher Detail
12.06.11 Understatement Detail
04.06.11 1060301 Detail
10.05.11 Understatement Detail
05.04.11 1920656 Detail
05.04.11 CaLi Detail
05.04.11 2083334 Detail
05.04.11 472303 Detail
05.04.11 Understatement Detail
05.04.11 3922945 Detail
14.03.11 4853639 Detail
13.03.11 4474017 Detail
13.03.11 434769 Detail
12.03.11 5181997 Detail
12.03.11 GILETTE ABDI Detail
12.03.11 Understatement Detail
12.03.11 DeDeck Detail
25.02.11 LiNk Detail
21.02.11 624837 Detail
Female Gaming Counter-Strike 1on1 Aim Map Ladder
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15.06.11 4736540 Detail
11.05.11 Mia Detail
Counter-Strike Nightcup Trusted Pro Cup #3 - 1on1 AWP - 25.05.
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25.05.11 crazymonkey Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 #6 - 2on2 MR15 - 15.05.
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15.05.11 sha_ Detail
Female Gaming Counter-Strike Cups 1on1 Mix Cup
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27.04.11 156698 Detail
27.04.11 3621166 Detail
27.04.11 jennydiedroge Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
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24.04.11 5088910 Detail
06.04.11 4484652 Detail
13.03.11 Understatement Detail
12.03.11 7 Detail
12.03.11 5099817 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
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03.04.11 Stormlocke Detail
12.03.11 Understatement Detail
ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder
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12.03.11 Understatement Detail