created | Platform | action |
02/08/06 06:35h | join_team Deleted account (1734306) | |
13/08/06 12:50h | team_kick Deleted account (1734306) | |
24/08/06 11:40h | register_team Deleted account (2001262) | |
25/08/06 11:34h | first_login_default | |
27/08/06 13:31h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
29/08/06 17:23h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
29/08/06 17:46h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
06/09/06 08:45h | join_team Deleted account (2017761) | |
08/09/06 05:07h | join_team Deleted account (2025423) | |
08/09/06 08:35h | register_team Deleted account (2025668) | |
11/09/06 09:03h | join_team Deleted account (2027232) | |
14/09/06 12:49h | team_kick Deleted account (2027232) | |
14/09/06 12:50h | team_kick Deleted account (2025423) | |
17/09/06 08:21h | register_team Deleted account (2039348) | |
21/09/06 08:17h | register_team Deleted account (2045360) | |
24/10/06 15:27h | join_team Deleted account (1501890) | |
01/11/06 09:57h | join_team Deleted account (2093600) | |
04/12/06 10:17h | join_team advantage in ehren (2127828) | |
21/12/06 12:20h | register_team Deleted account (2200380) | |
23/01/07 14:52h | register_team Deleted account (2264354) | |
28/02/07 07:51h | join_team g0d's fri3nDs SinD 1337 (1744379) | |
28/02/07 08:02h | team_kick Deleted account (2017761) | |
09/03/07 15:25h | join_team Spielerbank Kärnten (1074310) | |
09/03/07 15:26h | join_team inaktivee64 (1179586) | |
09/03/07 15:28h | join_team Spielerbank Call of Duty (1074937) | |
16/03/07 11:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
16/03/07 12:04h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
24/03/07 17:03h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
27/03/07 14:10h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/03/07 14:54h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
05/04/07 08:34h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
13/05/07 14:04h | join_team Deleted account (2372343) | |
20/05/07 14:05h | join_team dem WSX sein Fanclub (2452715) | |
21/05/07 08:16h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/05/07 18:42h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
31/05/07 08:02h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
02/06/07 10:19h | join_team Gewusst wie (1891753) | |
02/06/07 10:23h | join_team For ever in LOVE Call of Duty (1939355) | |
03/06/07 05:25h | join_team Deleted account (2346762) | |
05/06/07 13:23h | register_team Deleted account (2523831) | |
06/06/07 15:14h | join_team Deleted account (2380679) | |
07/06/07 14:09h | join_team Manchester United Fanclub (1648971) | |
10/06/07 12:33h | join_team Deleted account (2212016) | |
10/06/07 12:39h | join_team 2470426 (2470426) | |
16/06/07 14:47h | join_team Deleted account (2035053) | |
20/06/07 08:41h | team_kick Deleted account (1501890) / by Deleted account (40) | |
22/06/07 11:33h | leave_team Deleted account (2093600) | |
27/06/07 14:28h | join_team Deleted account (2553167) | |
30/06/07 12:33h | leave_team advantage in ehren (2127828) | |
30/06/07 12:35h | leave_team dem WSX sein Fanclub (2452715) | |
02/07/07 06:26h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
07/07/07 11:11h | join_team OCRANA (2039272) | |
07/07/07 11:13h | join_team Mr.Jingles and Friends (2101357) | |
09/07/07 14:22h | join_team love Techno (1444476) | |
24/07/07 11:18h | join_team BASSHUNTER FAN CLUB (2015915) | |
26/07/07 03:07h | join_team Warum Tierversuche - Wir haben doch Tokio Hotel 3 (2508134) | |
26/07/07 13:46h | join_team Neros Friends 4 ever (2118459) | |
26/07/07 16:13h | join_team Call of Duty 1 ' 4ever (1843551) | |
26/07/07 16:14h | join_team dem WSX sein Fanclub (2452715) | |
26/07/07 16:20h | join_team Deleted account (2457145) | |
26/07/07 16:24h | join_team In Memory of CoD Classic (2165268) | |
29/07/07 14:23h | join_team Deleted account (2631589) | |
08/08/07 08:40h | join_team qN inaktiv wie nie (2601728) | |
21/08/07 14:49h | team_kick Deleted account (2372343) / by Deleted account (233) | |
25/08/07 09:06h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
26/08/07 03:13h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
28/08/07 09:44h | register_team Die Patrioten (2687814) | |
01/09/07 20:09h | team_kick Deleted account (2380679) | |
03/09/07 16:46h | wanna_join_league International Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
04/09/07 11:40h | join_league International Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
07/09/07 11:37h | join_team T E C H N O S T Y L E (1546526) | |
08/09/07 09:36h | join_team Deleted account (2694658) | |
08/09/07 11:47h | join_team Deleted account (2694648) | |
08/09/07 15:34h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
08/09/07 15:36h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series | |
09/09/07 05:10h | join_team OnlyTrustedTeam (2459427) | |
09/09/07 05:12h | join_team Hass auf ESL-Kiddys 2 (2254553) | |
09/09/07 06:58h | join_team Deleted account (2694651) | |
09/09/07 07:01h | join_team Gather 4 Ever (2285085) | |
09/09/07 16:12h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
10/09/07 05:22h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series | |
11/09/07 14:19h | leave_team Deleted account (2694648) | |
11/09/07 14:19h | leave_team Deleted account (2694658) | |
11/09/07 14:20h | leave_team Deleted account (2694651) | |
17/09/07 03:06h | team_kick Hass auf ESL-Kiddys 2 (2254553) / by Deleted account (-2) | |
21/09/07 11:04h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
22/09/07 03:47h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series | |
01/10/07 07:06h | leave_team BASSHUNTER FAN CLUB (2015915) | |
01/10/07 07:07h | register_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
01/10/07 10:36h | register_team Deleted account (2747430) | |
06/10/07 17:11h | join_team 1337 sexy acc. 2oo7 (2680586) | |
11/10/07 07:43h | register_team Deleted account (2767162) | |
19/10/07 13:25h | join_team Fanbase kohlesack (2475408) | |
23/10/07 02:15h | team_kick Deleted account (2553167) | |
23/10/07 08:13h | wanna_join_league Alpen KartRider Item 1on1 Ladder | |
23/10/07 08:15h | wanna_join_league Alpen KartRider Item 1on1 Opening Cup | |
23/10/07 08:24h | join_league Alpen KartRider Item 1on1 Ladder | |
23/10/07 08:24h | join_league Alpen KartRider Item 1on1 Opening Cup | |
23/10/07 10:01h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
23/10/07 13:14h | leave_league Alpen KartRider Item 1on1 Ladder | |
24/10/07 11:29h | register_team TzC KardRider 3on3 (2793436) | |
24/10/07 15:01h | join_team Deleted account (2786479) | |
24/10/07 15:02h | wanna_join_league Alpen KartRider Speed 1on1 Ladder | |
24/10/07 15:06h | join_league Alpen KartRider Speed 1on1 Ladder | |
01/11/07 17:02h | leave_team 1337 sexy acc. 2oo7 (2680586) | |
01/11/07 17:02h | register_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
09/11/07 11:32h | leave_team OCRANA (2039272) | |
09/11/07 11:33h | register_team Deleted account (2825700) | |
15/11/07 08:32h | leave_team Call of Duty 1 ' 4ever (1843551) | |
15/11/07 08:34h | join_team Deleted account (2837393) | |
15/11/07 08:38h | leave_league Alpen KartRider Speed 1on1 Ladder | |
17/11/07 04:57h | first_login_esltv | |
19/11/07 11:09h | leave_team Die Patrioten (2687814) | |
19/11/07 11:09h | join_team TzC Riders (2847807) | |
19/11/07 11:19h | leave_team Deleted account (2786479) | |
08/12/07 15:39h | join_team LeGoRaCingTeAm (2892826) | |
09/12/07 11:48h | team_kick Deleted account (2825700) / by Deleted account (4) | |
06/01/08 12:30h | wanna_join_league Alpen Warcraft 3 1on1 TFT Ladder | |
06/01/08 22:45h | join_league Alpen Warcraft 3 1on1 TFT Ladder | |
30/01/08 05:24h | join_team feige's friends (2770407) | |
05/02/08 16:25h | team_kick Deleted account (2457145) | |
14/02/08 12:26h | join_team Deleted account (2948174) | |
14/03/08 16:46h | leave_team Manchester United Fanclub (1648971) | |
14/03/08 16:47h | join_team optimus prime (3087359) | |
21/03/08 18:11h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/03/08 18:55h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 12:50h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 12:50h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 12:51h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 13:01h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 13:05h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 14:31h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 14:32h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/08 14:34h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
24/03/08 10:24h | leave_team For ever in LOVE Call of Duty (1939355) | |
24/03/08 17:56h | join_team Spielerbank Call of Duty (1074937) | |
27/03/08 09:07h | team_kick Deleted account (2346762) / by Deleted account (28) | |
27/03/08 17:17h | leave_team Fanbase kohlesack (2475408) | |
27/03/08 17:17h | leave_team Gather 4 Ever (2285085) | |
27/03/08 17:17h | leave_team Gewusst wie (1891753) | |
27/03/08 17:17h | leave_team In Memory of CoD Classic (2165268) | |
27/03/08 17:17h | leave_team LeGoRaCingTeAm (2892826) | |
27/03/08 17:18h | leave_team Mr.Jingles and Friends (2101357) | |
27/03/08 17:18h | leave_team Neros Friends 4 ever (2118459) | |
27/03/08 17:18h | leave_team OnlyTrustedTeam (2459427) | |
27/03/08 17:18h | leave_team 2470426 (2470426) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team dem WSX sein Fanclub (2452715) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team Spielerbank Call of Duty (1074937) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team inaktivee64 (1179586) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team Spielerbank Kärnten (1074310) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team T E C H N O S T Y L E (1546526) | |
27/03/08 17:19h | leave_team Deleted account (2837393) | |
27/03/08 17:20h | leave_team TzC Riders (2847807) | |
27/03/08 17:20h | leave_team Warum Tierversuche - Wir haben doch Tokio Hotel 3 (2508134) | |
27/03/08 17:20h | leave_team feige's friends (2770407) | |
27/03/08 17:20h | leave_team qN inaktiv wie nie (2601728) | |
27/03/08 17:20h | leave_team optimus prime (3087359) | |
27/03/08 17:21h | leave_team Deleted account (2948174) | |
27/03/08 17:21h | leave_team love Techno (1444476) | |
27/03/08 17:26h | leave_team Deleted account (2523831) | |
27/03/08 17:26h | leave_team TzC KardRider 3on3 (2793436) | |
27/03/08 17:28h | leave_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
29/03/08 18:14h | join_team Ninjas bez pyams (1201430) | |
22/04/08 15:47h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
22/04/08 15:47h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
22/04/08 15:47h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/05/08 04:49h | change_xfire 90erneox -> 1991erneox | |
06/05/08 13:47h | join_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
11/05/08 04:49h | leave_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
12/05/08 03:32h | join_team ESL Wire (3193449) | |
19/05/08 15:27h | join_team Deleted account (3249241) | |
22/05/08 14:06h | join_team dem VonoX sein Fanclub (1519133) | |
14/06/08 13:39h | join_team indeo cod 4 3on3 international (3300915) | |
15/07/08 21:16h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/07/08 03:36h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
24/07/08 08:09h | leave_team ESL Wire (3193449) | |
25/07/08 17:15h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
25/07/08 17:18h | first_login_eslworld | |
26/07/08 04:33h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
26/07/08 14:09h | join_team Deleted account (3365551) | |
26/07/08 14:10h | join_team Deleted account (3365543) | |
26/07/08 14:11h | register_team Deleted account (3392492) | |
26/07/08 14:17h | leave_team Deleted account (3249241) | |
27/07/08 20:18h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
27/07/08 21:08h | register_team Deleted account (3395871) | |
27/07/08 21:22h | leave_team Ninjas bez pyams (1201430) | |
27/07/08 21:23h | leave_team dem VonoX sein Fanclub (1519133) | |
27/07/08 21:23h | leave_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
27/07/08 23:49h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
03/08/08 10:59h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
03/08/08 12:32h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
08/09/08 17:27h | team_kick Deleted account (3365543) | |
09/09/08 14:32h | register_team Deleted account (3496122) | |
09/09/08 14:39h | register_team Deleted account (3496145) | |
09/09/08 14:39h | register_team Deleted account (3496147) | |
09/09/08 14:40h | register_team Deleted account (3496149) | |
09/09/08 15:00h | leave_team indeo cod 4 3on3 international (3300915) | |
09/09/08 15:03h | leave_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
09/09/08 15:03h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
10/09/08 10:25h | join_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
16/09/08 14:25h | join_team chilln (2217771) | |
29/09/08 08:48h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
29/09/08 09:59h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
30/09/08 15:12h | change_xfire 1991erneox -> 90erneox | |
03/10/08 09:16h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
03/10/08 10:14h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
06/10/08 13:45h | join_team inzy the legendary__ (3551010) | |
08/10/08 11:34h | first_login_sports | |
14/10/08 13:46h | leave_team Deleted account (3496122) | |
14/10/08 13:46h | leave_team Deleted account (3496149) | |
14/10/08 13:46h | leave_team Deleted account (3496147) | |
14/10/08 13:47h | leave_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
18/10/08 06:08h | join_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
19/10/08 16:33h | join_team Deleted account (3496122) | |
21/10/08 17:25h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
22/10/08 19:45h | join_team Deleted account (3588513) | |
08/11/08 15:05h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
08/11/08 22:45h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/11/08 10:50h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
16/11/08 12:13h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
17/11/08 12:11h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: World at War Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
17/11/08 12:25h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: World at War Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
20/11/08 11:11h | register_team noVa_aa feat. jayjay (3652270) | |
25/11/08 05:47h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
25/11/08 05:48h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/12/08 16:02h | join_team Deleted account (2523831) | |
07/12/08 18:42h | leave_team Deleted account (2523831) | |
07/12/08 18:42h | leave_team inzy the legendary__ (3551010) | |
07/12/08 18:42h | leave_team Deleted account (3496122) | |
07/12/08 18:43h | leave_team noVa_aa feat. jayjay (3652270) | |
07/12/08 18:44h | leave_team chilln (2217771) | |
27/12/08 09:32h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
27/12/08 10:18h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/01/09 16:42h | join_team Deleted account (3750890) | |
01/01/09 18:53h | leave_team Deleted account (2810204) | |
01/01/09 18:54h | leave_team Deleted account (3395871) | |
02/01/09 20:17h | join_team Deleted account (3707734) | |
07/01/09 15:29h | register_team Deleted account (3767203) | |
10/02/09 09:44h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
10/02/09 09:44h | leave_team Deleted account (3750890) | |
10/02/09 09:44h | leave_team Deleted account (3707734) | |
10/02/09 09:44h | leave_team Deleted account (3767203) | |
11/02/09 13:50h | join_team Deleted account (3857738) | |
12/02/09 16:28h | leave_team Deleted account (3857738) | |
18/02/09 12:52h | join_team onwfeet (3833733) | |
18/02/09 16:28h | join_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
01/03/09 17:09h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
01/03/09 17:09h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/03/09 17:11h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
01/03/09 17:11h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/03/09 18:36h | join_team Die geilsten ESL-Gamer (1722890) | |
21/03/09 13:46h | join_team Vicious-Beast (3191332) | |
28/03/09 07:25h | join_team Deleted account (3992515) | |
30/03/09 14:33h | join_team skyLrs friEndzZz (1357323) | |
07/04/09 15:04h | team_kick Deleted account (3992515) / by Bennyahje (1572777) | |
09/04/09 12:55h | team_kick onwfeet (3833733) / by Bennyahje (1572777) | |
10/04/09 02:58h | leave_team Vicious-Beast (3191332) | |
10/04/09 08:47h | join_team Deleted account (2003324) | |
12/04/09 18:53h | join_team HARLEQUINS Mainbase (4033686) | |
17/04/09 17:08h | register_team ownFeet. Cod2 (4052786) | |
26/04/09 07:08h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
26/04/09 10:24h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
28/04/09 14:22h | join_team onwfeet (3833733) | |
10/05/09 10:35h | register_team Deleted account (4109067) | |
10/05/09 14:55h | register_team HYPERKIDS.CoD2 (4109948) | |
11/06/09 10:58h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
11/06/09 11:00h | leave_team Deleted account (4109067) | |
11/06/09 11:00h | leave_team HYPERKIDS.CoD2 (4109948) | |
11/06/09 11:00h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
11/06/09 11:00h | leave_team onwfeet (3833733) | |
11/06/09 11:01h | leave_team ownFeet. Cod2 (4052786) | |
11/06/09 11:44h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
11/06/09 12:20h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
11/06/09 17:20h | join_team Deleted account (4162341) | |
11/06/09 17:21h | join_team TEAM FLASHKIDS MAIN 2009 (4106342) | |
12/06/09 14:44h | join_team Deleted account (2536229) | |
12/06/09 14:45h | join_team Spielerbank Austria (2645814) | |
16/06/09 15:10h | join_team David 'DeKing' Wattrodt (4194166) | |
21/06/09 16:09h | join_team In memory of old good times! (4202715) | |
03/07/09 16:16h | team_kick HARLEQUINS Mainbase (4033686) / by thirty9er (3470578) | |
09/07/09 22:29h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
27/07/09 10:35h | register_team Deleted account (4310806) | |
27/07/09 12:38h | join_team Deleted account (4149743) | |
27/07/09 14:54h | leave_team TEAM FLASHKIDS MAIN 2009 (4106342) | |
27/07/09 15:37h | join_team be.anyOne Mutterteam (4274127) | |
31/07/09 16:34h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
31/07/09 17:47h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
02/08/09 13:14h | leave_team Deleted account (4162341) | |
07/08/09 16:10h | leave_team Die geilsten ESL-Gamer (1722890) | |
07/08/09 16:11h | leave_team David 'DeKing' Wattrodt (4194166) | |
07/08/09 16:12h | leave_team Deleted account (4310806) | |
17/08/09 11:19h | leave_team be.anyOne Mutterteam (4274127) | |
17/08/09 14:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 King Cup | |
18/08/09 14:03h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
18/08/09 14:03h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
18/08/09 17:25h | team_kick Deleted account (4149743) / by K4LL3PRO (3512621) | |
19/08/09 10:31h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 10:31h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 16:07h | wanna_join_league Alpen Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 16:34h | join_league Alpen Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 17:21h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 17:21h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 PAM Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
19/08/09 17:22h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
19/08/09 19:24h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
19/08/09 19:24h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 4 PAM Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
20/08/09 05:44h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
20/08/09 13:43h | join_team inaktiv64 (4367039) | |
21/08/09 04:50h | join_league Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 King Cup | |
22/08/09 06:11h | join_team inaktiv64 (4371008) | |
22/08/09 06:33h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
25/08/09 14:30h | join_team Deleted account (4379847) | |
25/08/09 16:30h | join_team Incredible Gaming CoD 2 (3902935) | |
26/08/09 17:31h | leave_team Deleted account (4379847) | |
04/09/09 21:42h | team_kick Deleted account (2536229) / by Deleted account (2185696) | |
17/09/09 22:32h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 4 PAM Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
18/09/09 22:43h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
27/09/09 22:45h | inactivity_kick Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/10/09 22:41h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Ladder | |
04/10/09 22:41h | inactivity_kick Alpen Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
05/10/09 13:42h | team_kick Incredible Gaming CoD 2 (3902935) / by Deleted account (1738592) | |
10/10/09 22:40h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
13/10/09 09:16h | join_team ELECTRO (2449869) | |
17/10/09 07:31h | wanna_join_league Europe DotA 1on1 Ladder | |
17/10/09 07:31h | trusted_direct_join Europe DotA 1on1 Ladder | |
17/10/09 07:31h | join_league Europe DotA 1on1 Ladder | |
24/10/09 22:52h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/10/09 15:52h | join_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (3267457) | |
29/10/09 23:56h | inactivity_kick Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
12/11/09 14:53h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
12/11/09 14:53h | leave_league Europe DotA 1on1 Ladder | |
12/11/09 15:08h | leave_team ALTERNATE aTTaX (3267457) | |
12/11/09 15:08h | leave_team In memory of old good times! (4202715) | |
12/11/09 15:09h | leave_team ELECTRO (2449869) | |
12/11/09 15:09h | leave_team inaktiv64 (4371008) | |
12/11/09 15:09h | leave_team inaktiv64 (4367039) | |
12/11/09 15:09h | leave_team g0d's fri3nDs SinD 1337 (1744379) | |
12/11/09 15:11h | leave_team inaktive64 (2747049) | |
12/11/09 15:11h | leave_team skyLrs friEndzZz (1357323) | |
12/11/09 15:11h | leave_team Spielerbank Austria (2645814) | |
12/11/09 15:37h | join_team Deleted account (4517783) | |
13/11/09 16:59h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
13/11/09 19:01h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
15/11/09 12:56h | join_team Deleted account (4566298) | |
16/11/09 14:31h | join_team in memory of RAGE (4559286) | |
17/11/09 14:41h | register_team Ares e.Sport e.V. 3on3 BO2 (4574828) | |
25/11/09 06:14h | team_kick in memory of RAGE (4559286) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
25/11/09 06:14h | team_kick Deleted account (4566298) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
25/11/09 16:19h | register_team Deleted account (4608058) | |
28/11/09 19:23h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
30/11/09 01:43h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/12/09 17:49h | join_team in memory of RAGE (4559286) | |
02/12/09 10:58h | join_team Spielerb. Oesterreich (1686719) | |
05/12/09 11:05h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
05/12/09 13:27h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
06/12/09 17:26h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
07/12/09 01:56h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
07/12/09 19:30h | leave_league Alpen Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
08/12/09 09:31h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 3 | |
11/12/09 13:10h | join_team Deleted account (4566298) | |
11/12/09 13:27h | leave_team Deleted account (4608058) | |
13/12/09 16:48h | register_team Deleted account (4652840) | |
15/12/09 16:54h | join_team in artistic recreation (4559295) | |
19/12/09 19:17h | join_team aViant.Networkz Fanclub (4659853) | |
24/12/09 19:32h | wanna_join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder | |
24/12/09 19:32h | wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
24/12/09 19:32h | trusted_direct_join Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
24/12/09 19:32h | join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
24/12/09 21:33h | join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:30h | wanna_join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:33h | wanna_join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:33h | trusted_direct_join Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:33h | join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:34h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
24/12/09 22:47h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Poker 1on1 Ladder | |
24/12/09 23:10h | join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
28/12/09 14:21h | join_team Gewusst wie (1891753) | |
01/01/10 17:12h | join_team Deleted account (4697956) | |
01/01/10 17:16h | team_kick Deleted account (4697956) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
11/01/10 15:10h | join_team Deleted account (4697956) | |
24/01/10 18:18h | join_team Deleted account (4768185) | |
29/01/10 05:41h | join_team Deleted account (4779953) | |
01/02/10 15:43h | join_team Deleted account (4779964) | |
05/02/10 22:51h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
06/02/10 23:01h | inactivity_kick Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
15/02/10 23:00h | inactivity_kick Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/02/10 08:31h | team_kick Deleted account (4779964) / by herta (2370986) | |
16/02/10 08:33h | team_kick Deleted account (4779953) / by herta (2370986) | |
18/02/10 11:53h | team_kick Deleted account (4768185) / by herta (2370986) | |
18/02/10 23:42h | inactivity_kick Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
19/02/10 18:02h | join_team Trottels chiki chiku (4399581) | |
21/02/10 20:26h | team_kick Deleted account (4566298) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
22/02/10 06:56h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
22/02/10 06:58h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
23/02/10 15:14h | team_kick Trottels chiki chiku (4399581) / by Nox (2947619) | |
02/03/10 11:24h | register_team Deleted account (4895367) | |
02/03/10 19:54h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
02/03/10 19:54h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
02/03/10 19:54h | leave_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder | |
02/03/10 19:54h | leave_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder | |
03/03/10 09:31h | register_team Deleted account (4897950) | |
04/03/10 15:26h | join_team Deleted account (4901082) | |
04/03/10 18:53h | join_team Deleted account (4902554) | |
08/03/10 10:14h | join_team Deleted account (2523831) | |
12/03/10 22:55h | team_kick Deleted account (4902554) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
13/03/10 09:38h | join_team In memory of old good times! (4202715) | |
16/03/10 19:40h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/03/10 19:40h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/03/10 19:40h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
18/03/10 19:59h | team_kick Deleted account (4697956) / by Deleted account (4128679) | |
18/03/10 22:16h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
18/03/10 22:19h | wanna_join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
18/03/10 22:19h | trusted_direct_join Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
18/03/10 22:19h | join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
18/03/10 22:53h | join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
22/03/10 07:42h | join_team RuleZ! (4950753) | |
22/03/10 10:38h | join_team Mix of Talent and Luck (4926605) | |
23/03/10 19:54h | wanna_join_league Europe Blub Game 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/10 19:55h | join_league Europe Blub Game 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/10 20:12h | leave_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
23/03/10 20:12h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
25/03/10 10:08h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #6 | |
25/03/10 10:55h | join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #6 | |
25/03/10 13:09h | join_team Deleted account (4697956) | |
27/03/10 10:56h | leave_team Deleted account (4895367) | |
31/03/10 15:35h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Oster Cup #1 | |
31/03/10 17:27h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Oster Cup #1 | |
04/04/10 13:49h | leave_team Deleted account (4901082) | |
08/04/10 21:04h | register_team Deleted account (4997292) | |
15/04/10 12:57h | register_team Ares e.Sport e.V. MW3 - 3on3 (5011322) | |
17/04/10 07:04h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
17/04/10 10:25h | leave_league Europe Blub Game 1on1 Ladder | |
17/04/10 10:25h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
19/04/10 07:05h | leave_team in memory of RAGE (4559286) | |
21/04/10 11:54h | team_kick in artistic recreation (4559295) / by Nox (2947619) | |
21/04/10 13:12h | join_team Deleted account (4869351) | |
24/04/10 09:43h | join_team Deleted account (4987098) | |
04/05/10 16:30h | register_team Deleted account (5050870) | |
08/05/10 14:51h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #8 | |
08/05/10 15:24h | join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #8 | |
16/05/10 08:56h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/05/10 10:53h | wanna_join_league Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/05/10 15:59h | join_league Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
18/05/10 06:25h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
20/05/10 13:59h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Pfingst Cup | |
20/05/10 16:42h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Pfingst Cup | |
31/05/10 07:22h | leave_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
31/05/10 07:22h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
31/05/10 07:22h | leave_league Alpen Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
31/05/10 11:36h | join_team Headcheat re!!! (4754510) | |
17/06/10 08:19h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
17/06/10 08:22h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
20/06/10 21:39h | inactivity_kick Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
21/06/10 10:50h | join_team Deleted account (5104893) | |
21/06/10 10:52h | join_team Deleted account (5142267) | |
13/07/10 13:02h | wanna_join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
13/07/10 14:22h | join_league Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
15/07/10 21:34h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
08/08/10 22:05h | join_team Deleted account (4669713) | |
12/08/10 06:46h | team_kick Deleted account (4869351) / by herta (2370986) | |
19/08/10 10:44h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. nProX (4345651) | |
24/08/10 18:56h | team_kick Mix of Talent and Luck (4926605) / by zix (1738824) | |
05/09/10 08:10h | join_team nur48stunden Lanparty (3072352) | |
07/09/10 13:11h | leave_team In memory of old good times! (4202715) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team Gewusst wie (1891753) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team Spielerb. Oesterreich (1686719) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team Deleted account (5142267) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team nur48stunden Lanparty (3072352) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team Headcheat re!!! (4754510) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team aViant.Networkz Fanclub (4659853) | |
07/09/10 13:12h | leave_team Ares e.Sport e.V. MW3 - 3on3 (5011322) | |
07/09/10 13:13h | leave_team RuleZ! (4950753) | |
08/09/10 21:35h | inactivity_kick Europe League of Legends 1on1 Ladder | |
10/10/10 14:49h | leave_team Deleted account (4669713) | |
10/10/10 14:49h | leave_team Deleted account (4987098) | |
10/10/10 14:49h | leave_team Deleted account (4517783) | |
10/10/10 14:49h | leave_team Ares e.Sport e.V. nProX (4345651) | |
10/10/10 14:50h | leave_team Deleted account (5104893) | |
10/10/10 14:51h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
10/10/10 14:51h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
10/10/10 14:51h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
10/10/10 16:37h | join_team Push the Limit (2400297) | |
10/10/10 18:36h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
10/10/10 18:36h | trusted_direct_join Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
10/10/10 18:36h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder | |
12/10/10 14:51h | leave_team Push the Limit (2400297) | |
15/10/10 13:20h | join_team Deleted account (5369541) | |
15/10/10 14:59h | join_team Deleted account (4923430) | |
22/10/10 08:33h | join_team Deleted account (4987098) | |
22/10/10 16:54h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Zehnkampf - 2. Disziplin | |
22/10/10 17:12h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Zehnkampf - 2. Disziplin | |
24/10/10 14:05h | leave_team Deleted account (4923430) | |
24/10/10 14:05h | leave_team Deleted account (5369541) | |
25/10/10 10:37h | join_team Deleted account (2633482) | |
28/10/10 12:30h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Headquarters 1on1 Zehnkampf - 3. Disziplin | |
28/10/10 12:37h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Headquarters 1on1 Zehnkampf - 3. Disziplin | |
01/11/10 16:27h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Zehnkampf - 4. Disziplin | |
01/11/10 16:41h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Zehnkampf - 4. Disziplin | |
03/11/10 14:09h | join_team Deleted account (5359754) | |
05/11/10 16:23h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
05/11/10 16:24h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
05/11/10 16:46h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
05/11/10 16:46h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/10 17:48h | leave_team Deleted account (4987098) | |
21/11/10 17:48h | leave_team Deleted account (2633482) | |
21/11/10 17:49h | leave_team Deleted account (5359754) | |
21/11/10 17:52h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/10 17:52h | leave_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/10 17:54h | join_team aQianer Mainteam (4143509) | |
21/11/10 20:04h | join_team Deleted account (5445937) | |
22/11/10 15:46h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Cup #3 | |
23/11/10 10:44h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Cup #3 | |
24/11/10 13:59h | join_team aQianer Model WG (4737723) | |
24/11/10 17:36h | join_team AQIANER 2v2 (4732133) | |
28/11/10 08:10h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
28/11/10 08:13h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
28/11/10 08:16h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
28/11/10 09:22h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/12/10 14:09h | join_team Die Dreisten Drei (4374621) | |
05/12/10 10:46h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Advent Cup Series #5 | |
05/12/10 10:52h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Headquarters 1on1 Advent Cup Series #3 | |
05/12/10 10:53h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Advent Cup Series #5 | |
05/12/10 10:55h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Headquarters 1on1 Advent Cup Series #3 | |
08/12/10 22:24h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/12/10 17:15h | join_team Deleted account (5323495) | |
10/01/11 22:03h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
10/01/11 22:13h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
08/02/11 16:54h | join_team Deleted account (5656148) | |
17/02/11 18:14h | join_team Deleted account (5683610) | |
20/02/11 12:26h | team_kick Deleted account (5445937) / by Deleted account (5441952) | |
23/02/11 13:46h | join_team Deleted account (5699555) | |
26/02/11 05:37h | wanna_join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder | |
26/02/11 05:42h | join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder | |
28/02/11 16:29h | join_team Deleted account (5714500) | |
11/03/11 13:15h | first_login_america | |
24/04/11 11:07h | leave_team AQIANER 2v2 (4732133) | |
24/04/11 11:07h | leave_team Deleted account (5323495) | |
24/04/11 11:07h | leave_team aQianer Mainteam (4143509) | |
24/04/11 11:07h | leave_team aQianer Model WG (4737723) | |
24/04/11 11:07h | leave_team Deleted account (5714500) | |
24/04/11 11:08h | leave_team Die Dreisten Drei (4374621) | |
24/04/11 11:17h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. Main (4659509) | |
24/04/11 11:20h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. CoD BO2 (4741679) | |
24/04/11 11:36h | join_team E Sport Club Aquila (5788081) | |
13/11/11 17:27h | leave_team E Sport Club Aquila (5788081) | |
13/11/11 17:27h | leave_team In Memory of Team.Defence (6161336) | |
13/11/11 17:28h | leave_team Deleted account (5699555) | |
13/11/11 17:28h | leave_team Deleted account (5765896) | |
13/11/11 17:28h | leave_team Deleted account (6199538) | |
14/11/11 16:42h | team_kick Deleted account (5656148) / by Deleted account (5441952) | |
28/11/11 14:20h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Advents Cup 1 | |
28/11/11 14:24h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Advents Cup 1 | |
05/12/11 16:47h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
05/12/11 16:47h | trusted_direct_join Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
05/12/11 16:47h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
11/12/11 08:57h | leave_team Deleted account (6158134) | |
11/12/11 08:57h | leave_team Deleted account (5055227) | |
27/01/12 07:04h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/01/12 07:04h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/01/12 07:04h | trusted_direct_join Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/01/12 07:04h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/01/12 07:22h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
29/01/12 08:49h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. MW3 - J4F (4318308) | |
31/01/12 12:36h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Nightcup 5 | |
31/01/12 19:35h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Nightcup 5 | |
10/02/12 20:14h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
12/02/12 17:42h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Tourney #7 | |
12/02/12 17:44h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Tourney #7 | |
21/02/12 11:21h | join_team - We are CoD (4655363) | |
21/02/12 15:56h | team_kick Ares e.Sport e.V. MW3 - J4F (4318308) / by Deleted account (3213532) | |
08/03/12 20:00h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
08/03/12 20:10h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
12/03/12 16:46h | join_team Deleted account (6662757) | |
01/04/12 09:09h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Funday Monday #4 Spas12 only | |
01/04/12 09:42h | join_league Europe Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Funday Monday #4 Spas12 only | |
01/04/12 16:33h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. 2on2 BO2 (5774863) | |
01/04/12 17:07h | team_kick Deleted account (6662757) / by Cheffe (3790033) | |
02/04/12 12:19h | leave_team - We are CoD (4655363) | |
05/04/12 12:27h | join_team Austria (6765300) | |
20/04/12 16:36h | join_team Deleted account (6810266) | |
07/09/12 19:42h | leave_team Ares e.Sport e.V. 2on2 BO2 (5774863) | |
27/10/12 06:09h | wanna_join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/10/12 06:09h | trusted_direct_join Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
27/10/12 06:09h | join_league Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
19/11/12 15:07h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. 2on2 BO2 (5774863) | |
21/11/12 08:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/12 08:38h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/12 08:38h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/12 08:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/12 08:38h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
21/11/12 08:38h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
25/11/12 12:22h | join_team Ares e.Sport e.V. Cup (5635423) | |
25/11/12 17:57h | inactivity_kick Europe Call of Duty 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
13/12/12 17:45h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Night War #2 | |
13/12/12 18:01h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Night War #2 | |
01/01/13 08:08h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Monday is Gunday #3 | |
01/01/13 08:09h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Monday is Gunday #3 | |
03/01/13 18:09h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
03/01/13 18:09h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder | |
30/01/13 17:15h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Monday is Gunday #5 | |
31/01/13 06:20h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Monday is Gunday #5 | |
12/02/13 15:42h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ländercup #1 | |
12/02/13 15:57h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ländercup #1 | |
14/02/13 12:44h | join_team Authentix (7471430) | |
16/02/13 11:16h | team_kick Authentix (7471430) / by Rappo (1365936) | |
18/02/13 13:43h | wanna_join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder | |
18/02/13 13:43h | trusted_direct_join Ger PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder | |
18/02/13 13:43h | join_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder | |
01/03/13 13:22h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/03/13 13:22h | trusted_direct_join Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
01/03/13 13:22h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
07/03/13 15:15h | leave_league Ger PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder | |
13/03/13 18:17h | join_team Austria (7570427) | |
20/03/13 16:58h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 No way out #1 | |
20/03/13 16:59h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #2 | |
20/03/13 16:59h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #3 | |
20/03/13 17:06h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #3 | |
20/03/13 17:07h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #2 | |
20/03/13 17:07h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 No way out #1 | |
29/03/13 21:02h | inactivity_kick Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
04/04/13 13:35h | wanna_join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #7 | |
04/04/13 13:42h | join_league Ger Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Deathmatch 1on1 No way out #7 | |
10/06/13 09:56h | join_team Austria (7776849) | |
20/11/13 15:02h | register_team Ares e.Sport e.V. BF4 (8067931) | |
03/09/15 10:25h | join_team E Sport Club Aquila (5788081) | |
06/09/15 16:05h | join_team Gewusst wie (1891753) | |
30/09/15 15:16h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
30/09/15 15:16h | trusted_direct_join ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
30/09/15 15:16h | join_league ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
18/11/15 19:10h | inactivity_kick ESL Play Hearthstone Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
22/02/16 11:17h | leave_team E Sport Club Aquila (5788081) | |
30/04/16 21:19h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
23/12/16 05:09h | first_login_sm |