Andreas 'BadAss' Leucht  id: 1552015
CPU AMD 64 dual core 6000+
RAM 2048
Videocard ATI Radeon X1950 Pro
Soundcard OnBoard
Storage 600gig
Motherboard MSI K9A Platinum
Display 17" TFT
Mouse Razer Diamondback
Mousepad Everglide Titan MonsterMat
Keyboard Revoltec
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 5.1
Connection TDSL 2000
Wheel/Pedals zock CS nur mit Lenkrad^^
Joypad Speedlink kp
Sound system Logitech 5.1
Console(s) PS1
Drink Hefe Weizen
Movie Nur noch 60 sekunden
Music Kategorie C
Song Chaos
Book Böhse Onkelz - Danke für Nichts
Book author H.P. Lovecraft
Person Rainer Zufall
Actor / Actress Nicolas Cage
Car Audi RS6 / Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
Sport Fußball
Athlete Godfried Aduobe
Map de_dust2 de_inferno
Game Hero Gordon Freeman
Console X Box LIVE
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Aimen ist was für Weicheier!
Misshandlung das bin ich!

Ich bin tagsüber so müde, weil ich nachts ein Superheld bin.


The epitome of the American male. He radiates confidence in everything he does, whether it's ordering a drink, buying a set of wheels, or dealing with women. He's slow to anger, brutally efficient when fighting back.

The badass carves his own path. He wears, drives, drinks, watches, and listens to what he chooses, when he chooses, where he chooses, uninfluenced by fads or advertising campaigns. Badass style is understated but instantly recognizable. Like a chopped Harley or a good pair of sunglasses: simple, direct, and functional.

He is a badass