Flo 'Placebo' im Wahn  id: 376298
CPU Intel Q8600 quad 4x2.3
RAM 8 gig Kingston
Videocard ZOTAC GTS250
Soundcard onboard
Storage 2x 500 gig 1x 1000gig
Motherboard GIGABYTE
Display 22" widescreen LG
OS deine schwester
Mouse logitech mx518
Keyboard logitech
Headphones Sony
Connection 16Mbit/5Mbit
TV Sony Bravia 49"
Sound system 6.1
Console(s) xbox360, xbox, nintendo
Drink whiskey
Food bier?
Movie coffee and cigarettes
Music drum'n'bass
Song polaris
Book a long way down..
Book author nick hornby
Person peter ustinov
Actor / Actress edward norton
Car ford fiesta
Sport pilates
Clan denver clan
Game Hero grinsekatze
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) katze
Console alice im wunderland
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.imperium-gastu..
Website 2 http://www.seen.us
Website 3 http://www.google.at
Website 4 http://www.republic-cafe...

I am very suicidal and plan on killing myself this weekend. I bought a shotgun yesterday, so now I have everything I need to finally end this never ending depression. It's quite pathetic how easy it is to walk into a store and buy a gun.

I really don't know why I feel the way I do. If there is a God, why would he make me suffer so much continuous pain for all these years. I have really tried to deal with this discomfort and agony for some time, but I find myself not happy at all. I am very good at disguising my feelings, and making those around me think everything is okay, but it's hard to fool myself. When people hear of my death come next week, I'm sure there will be a lot of surprise, but no one can really identify with the feelings of a suicidal person. I have so many feelings running through my head, and they all lead to suicide. I haven't been truly happy for some time now, and the only thing that makes me feel better is the thought of dying.

I really feel bad for those who love me, because I know my actions are going to hurt them so badly. They might never fully recover from it. I wish there was something I could do, but they don't have to live my life, and therefore they can't relate to the pain I feel everday of my life. All I can do is leave a suicide note, trying to explain my feelings the best I know how, and I hope people can understand that I killed myself not to hurt anyone else, but to give myself the peace of mind that I so desperately need to have.

I really like this site, because at least I know there are others out there who feel similar to me. Sometimes I feel so alone, but I feel a little better reading other people's posts. Although it doesn't change the way I feel about ending my life, I have enjoyed reading other people's thoughts( at least the one's who don't put down others and respect the feelings of those who choose to be suicidal).

Anyways, I probably won't be sending any more messages, and come Monday morning, I will no longer be around. I just hope that whatever lies beyond is a brighter and better world.

Gosh, I really hate Mondays!