Hardware | |
CPU | Core2Duo (E6850) |
RAM | 4096 DDR2 Corsair Dominator (1066) / 1024 DDR |
Videocard | ATI Radeon HD 4870 |
Soundcard | Asus Formula onboard |
Storage | WD Raptor 76 GB |
Motherboard | Asus Maximus Formula |
Display | LG W2253 |
OS | Windows 7 |
Antivirus | GData |
Mouse | Logitech G5 |
Mouse Skatez | keine |
Mousepad | Roccat Taito |
Keyboard | Logitech 2500 Deluxe (Schwarz) |
Headphones | Plantronics |
Connection | Kabel Deutschland 26 MBit |
Joypad | Logitech Dual Action Gamepad |
Sound system | Marantz SR4021 / Canton LE107 |
Console(s) | PS2, PSOne, N64, SNES, PS3 |
Handheld(s) | Gameboy, Gameboy Color, PSP |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Cuba Libre |
Food | Aspirin |
Movie | Das Streben nach Glück |
Music | RnB, House, Charts, Techno, Trance, 80's |
Song | Hamburg anthem |
Book | designing the moment / designing the obvious |
Book author | Robert Hoeckman, jr. |
Person | Schnoovee |
Actor / Actress | Will Smith |
Car | BMW M5 & Aston Martin |
Sport | Eishockey |
Athlete | << |
Favourite... | |
Map | mp_powcamp |
Clan | SK-gaming |
Player | tRuStNooNe |
Game Hero | prophet (dennis) und Koopa Troopa |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | Nachtelfen/Blutelfen |
Genre | Shooter, Aufbau, Action |
Console | z.Z. PS3 |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.THEXCUT.DE |
Website 2 | http://www.esl-europe.net |
Website 3 | http://www.FragMag.net |
Website 4 | http://www.aspirin.de |
athleets.eu Bisherige Aufgaben: » Playing »» Team-Captain phosgen.esport (Ravenshield) »» Team-Captain team.source (Call of Duty) »» Team-Captain team Hamburg (Call of Duty) »» Team-Captain team Hamburg (Call of Duty 2) »» Team-Captain team Hamburg (Call of Duty 4) »» Team-Captain suprlative (Call of Duty 2) »» Team-Captain suprlative (Call of Duty 4) »» Team-Captain w4sp (Call of Duty 4) »» Spieler EPS Season 15 für w4sp (Call of Duty 4) » Management »» ESL-Admin (Call of Duty 4) »» Chief Executive Officer suprlative »» Vorstand athleets e.V. Gamehistory: » Ravenshield » Call of Duty » Call of Duty 2 » Call of Duty 4 Meine Cup-Erfolge: • 1. place - StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #74 • 1. place - ESL 3on3 TDM CoD cup • 1. place - ESL 3on3 S&D premiership 1 division (season #2) • 1. place - Clanbase Eurocup XII qualifier Group V • 1. place - Clanbase Eurocup XII Group D • 2. place - StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #03 • 2. place - ESL CoD4 S&D 5on5 Winter-Cup #2 • 2. place - ESL 3on3 S&D Springcup CoD2 • 2. place - Arctic Esport Challange 2005 CoD • 2. place - ESL 1on1 Vietcong 2 Democup • 2. place - Hohespielkultur.de 5on5 SD Cup CoD2 • 3. place - ESL 3on3 TDM premiership 1 division (season #2) • 3. place - Clanbase Opencup Fall 2004 premierleague • 3. place - ESL 1on1 CoD cup • 3. place - ESL CoD4 5on5 S&D Quikcup III • 5. place - ESL 3on3 TDM premiership 1 division (season #1) • 5. place - ESL 3on3 S&D premiership 1 division (season #1) Meine LAN-Erfolge: • 1. - Northcon (2008) 5on5 S&D (Call of Duty 5) • 3. - Northcon (2005) 5on5 S&D (Call of Duty 2) • 4. - Northcon (2008) 3on3 S&D (Call of Duty 4) • 4. - Northcon (2008) 5on5 S&D (Call of Duty 4) • 5-8. - dimension6 (2006) 5on5 S&D (Call of Duty 2) • 5-8. - dimension6 (2006) 3on3 S&D (Call of Duty 2) • 5-8. - Northcon (2007) 5on5 S&D (Call of Duty 4) • 5-8. - Northcon (2007) 3on3 S&D (Call of Duty 4) Andere Erfolge: • Top 5 CoD S&D ESL-Ladder und EAS - 3on3 • Top 10 CoD TDM und S&D EAS - 1on1 • Top 10 RainbowSix 3: Ravenshield - 5on5 • Top 50 CoD S&D Clanbase - 5on5 Sonstiges: • die erste ESL-TV Sendung über Call of Duty war die Übertragung eines von mir gespielten Matches |