shaker  id: 582067
CPU Core 2 Duo 2x 2Ghz
RAM 2048
Videocard GeForce 8600 GT
Display Asus VE247H
OS 7
Antivirus klaro
CD/DVD Hab ich!
Mouse Logitech G5
Mousepad Steelseries S&S
Keyboard Logitech Classic Keyboard 200
Headphones Speed-Link SL-8763
Connection 16000 Kbit/s DSL
Wheel/Pedals neue Alu Pedale für mein Fahrrad
Mobile Phone BB
Drink Laphroaig
Food Tortellini und Salate
Book Die Säulen der Erde
Actor / Actress Russel Crowe
Sport Beachvolleyball & Touren-Ski
Map de_train & de_tuscan
Clan MiB
Favourite Websites
Website 1

PC Spiele seit 96, online seit 98,
CS seit 99 (Beta 5.2)

Ex Clans: hls zoRnIG aYb Son-Y reVolt veil MiB aspera
PC Spiele seit 96, online seit 98,
CS seit 99 (Beta 5.2)
Mein ClanBase acc von 2001

Ex Clans:
hls deklas, elch, Nakiface, despy, ShaKeR, TomCat, cornholio, sinpes
aspera deklas, despy, Legio, shaker, XaRoN
zoRnIG Gladio, aDi, ripCool, ShaKeR, hurr1
fS SlyCer, shooter, ShakeR, nitro, Gladi, IronAngel, aDi, Flaffo
aYb syN, SheeVa, uLti, shaker
Son-Y pLaTi, JetLee, lamagra, cYpress, ShaKeR
reVolt lamagra, ShaKeR, cYpress ...
veil Assi, exito, SpaXx, mO, shakeR
MiB Xaero, Sanator, shaker, loomit, ash

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle