uniQue EAS - Trainaccount   id:  1197466
Name uniQue EAS - Trainaccount
Shorthandle is uniQue
Registered since 07/04/05
Homepage http://www.uniQue-female.de
IRC #uniQue-female  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #uniQue-female  (QuakeNet)
Join team
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we are uniQue

¬ Contact

#uniQue-female @ QuakeNet

¬ Team

Monika is uniQue ............... SteamID >> 0:0:117704 <<
Julie is uniQue ................... SteamID >> 0:0:229115 <<
seven is uniQue ................. SteamID >> 0:1:32327 <<
Amazone is uniQue ........... SteamID >> 0:1:435134 <<
L1sa is uniQue ................... SteamID >> 0:1:320420 <<
aLiCe` is uniQue ................ SteamID >> 0:0:127149 <<
cKa is uniQue ..................... SteamID >> 0:1:49948 <<

¬ Gameserver


¬ Rules

° Erst lesen! Dann fordern! ;-)

We only play wars after an arrangement has been made. Unarranged challenges won't be accepted.

Screenshots and demos have to be uploaded immediately on request.
We expect you to be fair e.g. no flaming, cheating ...

=> every player has to record demos and upload them on request
=> the winner of the war uploads the screenshots to the match-media database
=> results have to be accepted by both parties as soon as possible
=> should there be rules in your esl-account which differ from the original ESL rules we won't accept your challenge unless you agree to play with the default ESL rules
=> We never offend anybody or start flaming. We expect the same from you, so stay fair and remember: CS is only a game

¬ Partner


° Professional Internet Services
° Sehr schnell - Sehr gut - Sehr günstig
° Super Pings durch das QSC Netz

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