Practice! Makes Perfect   id:  5024326
Name Practice! Makes Perfect
Shorthandle P!MP
Registered since 21/04/10
Headquarters  Netherlands
Area/Region Noord-Holland
2 Players who just like to shoot some bullets at some other players :)'

Hope you get the picture... :D
  4  Awards  
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
wins   city lights  + 19 Sunday, 20/01/13 10:15 6
wins   StrohHutLachen  + 28 Sunday, 20/01/13 09:39 5
wins   No-Fear 2on2  + 19 Sunday, 20/01/13 09:08 6
draws   Patient Bears  -7 Friday, 18/01/13 10:14 3
loss   inaktiv  -25 Tuesday, 15/01/13 08:46 10
wins   DINOSOWER  + 23 Tuesday, 15/01/13 07:58 6
wins   Wiesnioki  + 21 Monday, 14/01/13 10:47 8
wins   p90 brothers  + 28 Thursday, 10/01/13 11:42 7
wins   BILL1Gjäger  + 23 Thursday, 10/01/13 11:08 2
wins   hm  + 25 Thursday, 10/01/13 10:14 6