Ez Games   id:  9006454
Name Ez Games
Shorthandle [EzG]
Registered since 29/03/15
Homepage http://www.ezgames.proboards.c..
Headquarters  Italy
[EzG] è una multigaming italiana presente attualmente su giochi come League of Legends, Heroes of The Storm, Hearthstone e Unreal Tournament. Se sei un pro o semplicemente cerchi qualcuno con cui giocare e fare due chiacchiere join us!
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  ESL Heroes Open League 2015 Season 1 Europe
loss   GGizi FrenetiX  0 Saturday, 16/05/15 12:00
loss   Decima eSports  0 Monday, 11/05/15 15:00 2
loss   The Imaginary Friends  0 Saturday, 02/05/15 12:00
loss   Element Mistral  0 Tuesday, 28/04/15 15:30 6
loss   OutOfPosition  0 Wednesday, 15/04/15 15:30 2
loss   Nabsterz  0 Wednesday, 15/04/15 12:00
loss   LimiTeam  0 Saturday, 04/04/15 12:00 8