Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating Zdzisiowowicze back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created from rating comment match 04.04.10 Magiczne info 5on5 Detail 04.04.10 Ludzie Pulpetita Detail 04.04.10 Hajtowe Gumisie 5v5 Detail 03.04.10 POLNOC CENTRUM POLUDNIE Detail 03.04.10 Ludzie Pulpetita Detail 02.04.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail 02.04.10 PSZCZOLA Detail 02.04.10 injection team Detail 01.04.10 DZIALDOWO2 Detail 01.04.10 ORTEGA CARTEL Detail 01.04.10 theBULLDOGS 5on5 Detail 31.03.10 Idziemy Po Swoje Detail 31.03.10 zakladam kominiare Detail 31.03.10 existence of live Detail 14.03.10 zakladam kominiare Detail 14.03.10 terefere Detail 14.03.10 GIANTS! Detail 13.03.10 Umyj Mydlo! Detail 08.03.10 Gunslingers Detail 07.03.10 Autystyczni Detail 07.03.10 nonNotus Detail 28.02.10 BARDZO SLODKO Detail 28.02.10 AUTOKASKI Detail 28.02.10 GUWNIXACJA Detail 14.02.10 best5friends Detail 12.02.10 Trampko-Korki Detail 11.02.10 PROUD People Detail 11.02.10 hftr mixed Detail 11.02.10 chillout beach Detail 11.02.10 Na SPONTANIE Detail 11.02.10 VESC Detail 10.02.10 REMiX2 Detail 10.02.10 TEREFERE Detail 10.02.10 TEAM ROUT Detail 10.02.10 speedy GONZALEZ Detail 10.02.10 N0 CO TY TATO Detail 10.02.10 ForTheWin Detail 10.02.10 Detail 09.02.10 WE MADE wOw! Detail 25.12.09 hedomania Detail 25.12.09 TEAM OGIEN Detail 21.12.09 Tactical Nuclear Penguin Detail 21.12.09 AUTOKASKI Detail 17.12.09 renamed by ESL Detail 17.12.09 GANJOWE CHOPAKY Detail 17.12.09 kATOWNIA Detail 06.12.09 Abre los ojos Detail 06.12.09 Ja Robot Detail 05.12.09 mastermind pracctice Detail 05.12.09 onlyMIX Detail 29.11.09 litosc to zbrodnia Detail 26.11.09 dwadziescia zlotych Detail 26.11.09 toplvlekipa Detail 25.11.09 Dobzi Gracze 5on5 Detail 21.11.09 WIESLAW Detail 15.11.09 United-Forces Detail 15.11.09 NINJA-CARTEL Detail 15.11.09 tim loosers Detail 14.11.09 PSZCZOLA Detail 14.11.09 Legion Komarow Detail 11.11.09 FRAMMATIk Detail 31.10.09 Trzej Krolowie Detail 31.10.09 na SPONTANIE Detail 29.10.09 KLANLAN Detail 29.10.09 BARLINEK Detail 29.10.09 Menczyciele Czaszek Detail 28.10.09 plus 20 i opor Detail 28.10.09 SKILL.PL Detail 28.10.09 CoolKulowe Lole Detail 27.10.09 iksDE Detail 27.10.09 Destruo Artis Detail 25.10.09 MYKHZ Detail 24.10.09 Most Valuable Players Detail 24.10.09 FUNCLUB Dragon-Team Detail 23.10.09 Hot Shoot 2 Detail