Contacts & Buddies
Occbull  id: 4571543
Name --
Nick Occbull
Member since 16/11/09
Age / Gender 31 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
“Talent is something you have naturally, skill is developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft" - Will Smith
"Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity." - Will Smith
"He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right"
- Confucius
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
StarCraft II
League of Legends
Recent matches
  StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #90 (Sun 20.03.11) - Win €200
loss 4955223  0 Sunday, 20/03/11 09:00 1
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