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max.Mustermann  id: 608798
Name --
Nick max.Mustermann
Member since 10/10/03
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team Tactical-Warrior-Gods
Homepage --
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Recent matches
  Sports Need For Speed: Shift Fahrerwertung Opening Cup
14. ESL Sports Opening Cup - Runde 2  +3 Tuesday, 29/09/09 14:00 2
16. ESL Sports Opening Cup - Runde 1  +6 Thursday, 24/09/09 14:00 4
  Race Driver Grid Grand Prix Season #2
16. 10. Renntag - Nürburgring  +80 Sunday, 24/05/09 12:00 2
24. 9. Renntag - Istanbul Park  +50 Sunday, 17/05/09 12:00 3
17. 8. Renntag - Okutama  +70 Sunday, 03/05/09 12:00 2
24. 7. Renntag - Yokohama  0 Sunday, 26/04/09 12:00 2
25. 6. Renntag - San Francisco  0 Sunday, 19/04/09 12:00 2
25. 5. Renntag - Detroit  0 Sunday, 05/04/09 11:00 2
26. 4. Renntag - Long Beach  0 Sunday, 29/03/09 12:00 3
21. 3. Renntag - Mailand  0 Sunday, 15/03/09 15:00 3
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