created | Platform | action |
27/03/07 14:48h | wanna_join_league POL War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder | |
28/03/07 15:53h | join_league POL War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder | |
01/06/08 15:36h | join_team Force Recon Clan (3273618) | |
20/05/09 00:04h | team_kick Force Recon Clan (3273618) / by Deleted account (2990462) | |
31/10/11 16:15h | join_team Deleted account (6322872) | |
10/03/12 10:09h | change_xfire blackdragonpl -> | |
17/06/12 12:30h | team_kick Deleted account (6322872) / by Deleted account (2286081) | |
29/07/12 14:47h | join_team Deleted account (7052290) | |
30/07/12 13:38h | join_team Anguis In Herba (7057824) | |
17/02/13 08:01h | team_kick Deleted account (7052290) / by Deleted account (6134037) | |
22/02/13 12:50h | join_team Henry Morgan (7146175) | |
22/02/13 16:14h | leave_team Henry Morgan (7146175) | |
31/05/13 15:11h | leave_team Anguis In Herba (7057824) | |
31/05/13 15:12h | join_team Ashes of Sins (7340700) | |
15/06/13 10:38h | join_team Deleted account (7576994) | |
23/06/13 06:16h | join_team Deleted account (7800515) | |
29/06/13 11:12h | team_kick Deleted account (7576994) / by Deleted account (7050638) | |
30/06/13 15:47h | join_team Powiatowy Urzad Pracy (7003504) | |
06/08/13 12:29h | join_team 7even Sins .WPL (7876477) | |
19/09/13 15:59h | join_team M0RDEKAISER (7950259) | |
21/09/13 15:28h | team_kick Deleted account (7800515) / by mtk (6515598) | |
23/09/13 12:39h | team_kick Ashes of Sins (7340700) / by Barbadian (7044897) | |
01/12/13 08:00h | join_team ENERGY-TEAM (8065740) | |
02/01/14 12:34h | join_team Ashes of Sins (7340700) | |
05/01/14 09:06h | join_team Ashes of Sins (8148096) | |
12/01/14 06:33h | team_kick ENERGY-TEAM (8065740) / by Deleted account (6517252) | |
25/01/14 11:11h | join_team Red-X (7838544) | |
26/01/14 08:54h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Winter Cup 2014 | |
26/01/14 09:39h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Winter Cup 2014 | |
28/01/14 14:53h | register_team Paziordy (8196922) | |
01/02/14 10:37h | leave_team Red-X (7838544) | |
09/02/14 09:09h | join_team MORDEKAIZZER (8225090) | |
06/03/14 10:03h | wanna_join_league POL World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup #1 | |
06/03/14 10:06h | join_league POL World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Cup #1 | |
31/03/14 12:28h | join_team Siuraki Squad (7562306) | |
31/03/14 14:20h | team_kick Siuraki Squad (7562306) / by Deleted account (6735765) | |
25/05/14 08:58h | team_kick Ashes of Sins (7340700) / by Barbadian (7044897) | |
08/06/14 11:48h | team_kick Ashes of Sins (8148096) / by Barbadian (7044897) | |
09/09/14 12:57h | join_team TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709) | |
12/01/15 04:41h | team_kick TeAMPlaY.ZdZ (7887709) / by Deleted account (6517252) | |
18/01/17 16:08h | join_league ESL Play WoT 1on1 Duel Cup #15 Europe | |
18/01/17 16:34h | join_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
20/01/17 12:16h | leave_team Deleted account (5804018) | |
22/01/17 06:49h | join_league ESL Play WoT 1on1 Duel Cup #16 Europe | |
01/02/17 15:21h | join_league ESL Play WoT 1on1 Duel Cup #17 Europe | |
04/02/17 06:03h | register_team Gib monies plox (10914960) | |
09/02/17 11:34h | register_team Gib moneys plox (10932224) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick M0RDEKAISER (7950259) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick Paziordy (8196922) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick 7even Sins .WPL (7876477) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick MORDEKAIZZER (8225090) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick Gib monies plox (10914960) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick Gib moneys plox (10932224) / by Daemon (3) | |
29/05/22 07:32h | team_kick Powiatowy Urzad Pracy (7003504) / by Daemon (3) |