created | Platform | action |
01/12/09 09:43h | first_login_default | |
01/12/09 09:46h | join_team Deleted account (4527166) | |
01/12/09 12:50h | first_login_esltv | |
07/12/09 15:37h | team_kick Deleted account (4527166) / by Deleted account (1604344) | |
08/12/09 11:25h | join_team Deleted account (4639592) | |
31/12/09 14:21h | leave_team Deleted account (4639592) | |
21/04/10 08:33h | register_team Deleted account (5023563) | |
28/05/10 08:40h | join_team Deleted account (5095797) | |
30/05/10 15:58h | team_kick Deleted account (5095797) / by vdRMSTR (1108672) | |
31/05/10 11:49h | join_team Think Gaming (4122867) | |
08/06/10 14:54h | leave_team Think Gaming (4122867) | |
08/06/10 14:58h | register_team Deleted account (5118479) | |
18/07/10 05:14h | join_team Deleted account (5188217) | |
19/07/10 04:07h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
19/07/10 05:53h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
29/07/10 18:19h | leave_team Deleted account (5188217) | |
31/08/10 21:20h | inactivity_kick Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
24/09/10 19:31h | register_team Deleted account (5338633) | |
01/10/10 12:41h | join_team Deleted account (5257068) | |
02/10/10 15:11h | team_kick Deleted account (5257068) / by tedderzy (2449001) | |
13/10/10 15:48h | join_team Deleted account (5379966) | |
13/10/10 20:18h | register_team Deleted account (5380362) | |
13/10/10 20:26h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
13/10/10 20:26h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder | |
13/10/10 20:26h | wanna_join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder | |
13/10/10 20:27h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder | |
13/10/10 20:28h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
13/10/10 20:28h | join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder | |
15/10/10 19:32h | join_team Deleted account (5384284) | |
02/11/10 06:54h | leave_team Deleted account (5384284) | |
03/11/10 20:44h | join_team Deleted account (5252241) | |
14/11/10 08:29h | team_kick Deleted account (5252241) / by tedderzy (2449001) | |
20/11/10 03:59h | register_team Deleted account (5458172) | |
26/11/10 22:15h | inactivity_kick Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder | |
26/11/10 22:15h | inactivity_kick Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder | |
26/11/10 22:16h | inactivity_kick Europe Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
15/12/10 07:52h | join_team Deleted account (5484120) | |
15/12/10 08:43h | join_team Tw9st9dPl9y.SGD (5182103) | |
29/12/10 12:16h | join_team G-SHOCK (5547664) | |
05/01/11 07:14h | leave_team Deleted account (5484120) | |
05/01/11 07:15h | leave_team Tw9st9dPl9y.SGD (5182103) | |
24/01/11 15:49h | leave_team G-SHOCK (5547664) | |
07/02/11 19:44h | wanna_join_league Europe OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
07/02/11 19:45h | leave_team Deleted account (5458172) | |
08/02/11 03:09h | join_team Deleted account (5654180) | |
08/02/11 06:13h | join_league Europe OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
14/02/11 14:30h | join_team SP1D GaMING CLUB (5160942) | |
20/02/11 11:44h | team_kick SP1D GaMING CLUB (5160942) / by CLaMoX- (1826334) | |
24/02/11 07:34h | leave_team Deleted account (5654180) | |
08/03/11 17:30h | join_team n0_0rg (5601904) | |
22/03/11 13:55h | join_team we love asmo (1710579) | |
25/03/11 09:27h | first_login_eslworld | |
09/04/11 23:34h | inactivity_kick Europe OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
01/11/11 11:30h | join_team CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (5862218) | |
10/11/11 19:10h | team_kick CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (5862218) / by Deleted account (4150446) | |
12/02/12 08:31h | register_team Deleted account (6617419) | |
16/03/12 16:58h | join_team (6726217) | |
06/05/12 20:11h | leave_team we love asmo (1710579) | |
28/05/12 12:44h | join_team Deleted account (6822410) | |
28/05/12 15:52h | join_team Deleted account (6907285) | |
30/05/12 14:19h | join_team pandaskilled (5429518) | |
30/05/12 14:20h | leave_team (6726217) | |
30/05/12 14:21h | leave_team HAXBALL LEGENDS (6200525) | |
30/05/12 14:21h | leave_team Deleted account (6617419) | |
30/05/12 14:22h | leave_team mou5one (6132417) | |
30/05/12 17:48h | leave_team Deleted account (6822410) | |
03/06/12 13:27h | join_team Deleted account (6920663) | |
06/06/12 15:39h | join_team Deleted account (6928269) | |
10/06/12 00:24h | team_kick Deleted account (6928269) / by mattaN (2446989) | |
10/06/12 18:51h | register_team Deleted account (6938891) | |
14/06/12 10:35h | team_kick Deleted account (6920663) / by SLAM DUNK (3427159) | |
16/06/12 07:36h | join_team Deleted account (6951002) | |
16/06/12 07:37h | team_kick Deleted account (6951002) / by SLAM DUNK (3427159) | |
16/06/12 13:03h | join_team VAC (5215948) | |
17/06/12 11:15h | join_team Deleted account (6954366) | |
20/06/12 07:04h | join_team Deleted account (6961301) | |
25/06/12 14:08h | team_kick Deleted account (6961301) / by SLAM DUNK (3427159) | |
28/06/12 09:20h | join_team two for the money (1797425) | |
28/06/12 09:23h | leave_team two for the money (1797425) | |
28/06/12 09:40h | join_team europedinos (6983464) | |
29/06/12 11:18h | leave_team europedinos (6983464) | |
29/06/12 11:19h | join_team aSdF (6785603) | |
29/06/12 11:55h | join_team Deleted account (6956054) | |
29/06/12 11:57h | leave_team Deleted account (6956054) | |
02/07/12 09:50h | join_team Deleted account (6408915) | |
03/07/12 06:05h | register_team Deleted account (6994554) | |
06/07/12 17:20h | register_team KINGS OF THE HILL (7001817) | |
06/07/12 18:16h | leave_team KINGS OF THE HILL (7001817) | |
08/07/12 09:04h | team_kick Deleted account (6408915) / by SLAM DUNK (3427159) | |
09/07/12 11:24h | join_team badabäng (6988703) | |
13/07/12 14:25h | team_kick badabäng (6988703) / by Deleted account (3534592) | |
13/07/12 14:51h | join_team Deleted account (6661583) | |
16/07/12 12:59h | join_team cityhun7ers (4022853) | |
17/07/12 17:11h | join_team BEEINDRUCKEND (5461264) | |
18/07/12 12:03h | join_team Deleted account (7026316) | |
19/07/12 10:52h | join_team two for the money (1797425) | |
19/07/12 15:49h | join_team IHAVENOIDEAWHATIMDOING (6856853) | |
26/07/12 13:13h | join_team low+ (7024343) | |
04/08/12 05:57h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
05/08/12 10:41h | join_team gekas (6917054) | |
08/08/12 16:27h | leave_team gekas (6917054) | |
10/08/12 08:21h | leave_team IHAVENOIDEAWHATIMDOING (6856853) | |
11/08/12 06:37h | team_kick cityhun7ers (4022853) / by angeleyes (111874) | |
14/08/12 09:31h | team_kick BEEINDRUCKEND (5461264) / by jenson (5231937) | |
18/08/12 05:40h | register_team Deleted account (7103055) | |
18/08/12 07:26h | join_team GANGNAM STYLE (7087924) | |
22/08/12 12:46h | leave_team Deleted account (6954366) | |
02/09/12 14:41h | team_kick pandaskilled (5429518) / by mattaN (2446989) | |
09/09/12 06:49h | join_team EYES ON U.EMS (7117510) | |
11/09/12 10:00h | leave_team Deleted account (6907285) | |
11/09/12 10:00h | leave_team low+ (7024343) | |
11/09/12 10:00h | leave_team Deleted account (7026316) | |
11/09/12 10:00h | leave_team VAC (5215948) | |
11/09/12 10:01h | leave_team Deleted account (6661583) | |
11/09/12 10:01h | leave_team two for the money (1797425) | |
14/09/12 15:06h | join_team ratefuckers (7171225) | |
14/09/12 15:23h | leave_team ratefuckers (7171225) | |
24/09/12 17:38h | join_team azcardinals (5838736) | |
30/09/12 10:01h | leave_team azcardinals (5838736) | |
23/11/12 20:25h | join_league Europe FIFA 13 1on1 A-Series | |
20/02/13 09:52h | register_team Deleted account (7540819) | |
20/02/13 09:52h | register_team Deleted account (7540821) | |
23/02/13 13:11h | leave_team GANGNAM STYLE (7087924) | |
23/02/13 13:12h | leave_team Deleted account (6994554) | |
23/02/13 13:13h | leave_team aSdF (6785603) | |
04/04/13 17:09h | team_kick EYES ON U.EMS (7117510) / by Deleted account (3753462) | |
28/04/13 10:19h | join_team Ildal Lions (7646103) | |
19/05/13 13:20h | leave_team Ildal Lions (7646103) | |
19/05/13 13:20h | join_team momo momo momooo (7652414) | |
27/05/13 17:15h | team_kick momo momo momooo (7652414) / by BERRY (2492186) | |
21/06/13 10:35h | register_team Ildal Lions (7796865) | |
21/06/13 10:45h | register_team Deleted account (7796883) | |
23/06/13 07:25h | register_team Avalanche Supreme (7800723) | |
25/10/13 09:28h | join_team CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (8012502) | |
25/10/13 10:36h | leave_team Avalanche Supreme (7800723) | |
25/10/13 10:37h | leave_team Ildal Lions (7796865) | |
14/11/13 12:22h | join_team Huebanden (5901746) | |
18/11/13 16:00h | register_team Deleted account (8064260) | |
18/11/13 16:04h | team_kick CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (8012502) / by Chicken (1671333) | |
10/01/14 10:38h | join_team ahjo denk nicht (8159864) | |
10/01/14 12:19h | join_team FLAEKKETID (3511332) | |
16/01/14 12:10h | team_kick ahjo denk nicht (8159864) / by cover (3190487) | |
07/02/14 10:23h | register_team Back2Back (8218755) | |
30/08/14 14:07h | join_team ServerForge CSGO (8596195) | |
04/09/14 11:03h | leave_team ServerForge CSGO (8596195) | |
04/09/14 11:04h | register_team TEAM SFF (8604639) | |
04/09/14 11:10h | leave_team Back2Back (8218755) | |
13/09/14 19:46h | join_league Europe FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #50 - 14/09 | |
14/09/14 06:07h | first_login_america | |
14/09/14 06:08h | wanna_join_league Europe FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder | |
14/09/14 06:08h | trusted_direct_join Europe FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder | |
14/09/14 06:08h | join_league Europe FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder | |
16/09/14 12:20h | join_team Deleted account (8623219) | |
16/09/14 19:11h | first_login_america | |
23/09/14 10:50h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 3 | |
25/09/14 05:47h | team_kick Deleted account (8623219) / by idddQ (1812627) | |
26/09/14 04:39h | join_league Europe FIFA 15 1on1 Release Cup #2 | |
26/09/14 06:22h | join_league Europe FIFA 15 Go4FIFA Cup #1 - 05/10/14 | |
29/09/14 10:04h | wanna_join_league Europe FIFA 15 1on1 Ladder | |
29/09/14 10:04h | trusted_direct_join Europe FIFA 15 1on1 Ladder | |
29/09/14 10:04h | join_league Europe FIFA 15 1on1 Ladder | |
30/09/14 10:27h | register_team Deleted account (8646509) | |
05/11/14 10:47h | join_team Tricked eSport CS (7196518) | |
06/11/14 16:04h | leave_team Tricked eSport CS (7196518) | |
20/11/14 15:29h | register_team Deleted account (8756751) | |
20/11/14 15:35h | join_team CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (5862218) | |
06/12/14 19:07h | inactivity_kick ESL Play FIFA PC FIFA 15 Open FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
01/03/15 13:03h | team_kick CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (5862218) / by Deleted account (4150446) | |
15/03/15 06:43h | join_league ESL Play Go4FIFA Europe Cup #24 powered by Scuf Gaming | |
25/04/15 06:07h | wanna_join_league ESL Play FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
25/04/15 06:07h | trusted_direct_join ESL Play FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
25/04/15 06:07h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
03/05/15 04:25h | join_league ESL Play Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #13 powered by Scuf Gaming | |
23/05/15 19:15h | inactivity_kick ESL Play FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
24/05/15 17:04h | join_team Valkyrie (9131064) | |
31/05/15 05:16h | join_team international business (9143699) | |
21/06/15 13:19h | join_team Team Refuse (9189519) | |
22/06/15 08:12h | team_kick Valkyrie (9131064) / by Killer (5176767) | |
24/06/15 16:20h | team_kick FLAEKKETID (3511332) / by Deleted account (1131710) | |
06/07/15 13:56h | join_team icebears CSGO (9184495) | |
12/07/15 04:37h | join_league ESL Play Go4FIFA Europe Cup #41 powered by Scuf Gaming | |
12/07/15 06:54h | join_team icebears (9073989) | |
24/07/15 21:03h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
25/07/15 09:47h | team_kick Team Refuse (9189519) / by Deleted account (5622321) | |
20/09/15 06:21h | join_team zauberwald (9435278) | |
26/09/15 10:35h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Kick Off Cup #2 Europe | |
26/09/15 10:37h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
16/10/15 11:49h | register_team nerdRage (9490353) | |
29/10/15 07:34h | register_team (9524245) | |
08/11/15 19:10h | inactivity_kick ESL Play FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
29/06/16 11:07h | join_team topmodellerNe (10061905) | |
16/09/16 09:52h | register_team intbusiness (10483079) | |
28/09/16 12:06h | join_team noclue:) (10507720) | |
12/01/17 17:18h | join_team se mi puta (4849630) | |
22/04/17 10:25h | register_team team30sec (11225544) | |
04/10/17 20:22h | join_league ESL Play FIFA 18 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
17/11/17 18:53h | inactivity_kick ESL Play FIFA 18 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe |