created | Platform | action |
18/08/03 05:18h | first_login | |
18/08/03 17:00h | join_team team.blutadler -eagle- (572254) | |
18/04/05 18:00h | join_team venom (1204827) | |
28/04/05 11:34h | leave_team team.blutadler -eagle- (572254) | |
28/04/05 11:35h | leave_team team.blutadler -eagle- (572254) | |
13/06/05 11:53h | join_team springtime lovin (1285721) | |
23/11/05 16:33h | join_team Deleted account (1259664) | |
25/11/05 08:07h | team_kick Deleted account (1259664) / by (-) | |
25/11/05 09:08h | join_team Deleted account (1259664) | |
06/12/05 17:02h | join_team Memory of Viribus-Unitis (1543756) | |
12/12/05 15:09h | join_team Viribus-Unitis aQuila (1553140) | |
15/01/06 12:48h | leave_team Viribus-Unitis aQuila (1553140) | |
15/01/06 12:53h | leave_team Memory of Viribus-Unitis (1543756) | |
15/01/06 14:18h | join_team In Memory of TieRisCh GaminG (1233184) | |
22/01/06 14:48h | join_team dRuNk'N'stoNeD GmbH (1628513) | |
23/01/06 06:39h | join_team Deleted account (1629109) | |
13/03/06 15:38h | wanna_join_league Ger Dawn of War 1on1 Ladder | |
15/03/06 10:31h | join_league Ger Dawn of War 1on1 Ladder | |
22/04/06 15:19h | join_team nCL n roCk (1196415) | |
22/04/06 16:43h | join_team Si Yu (1498633) | |
26/04/06 12:31h | join_team woOt ThrEe FrienDs (1195114) | |
02/05/06 01:39h | team_kick In Memory of TieRisCh GaminG (1233184) | |
04/06/06 13:32h | team_kick Deleted account (1629109) | |
12/06/06 05:12h | team_kick woOt ThrEe FrienDs (1195114) | |
30/06/06 07:11h | team_kick Si Yu (1498633) / by Deleted account (9) | |
09/03/07 12:16h | team_kick nCL n roCk (1196415) | |
02/02/08 20:27h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
22/08/08 18:19h | team_kick springtime lovin (1285721) | |
10/02/09 17:55h | join_team Deleted account (3855546) | |
11/02/09 03:09h | team_kick Deleted account (3855546) / by Deleted account (1417501) | |
23/12/09 17:44h | join_team neophyte (4663339) | |
29/01/10 16:01h | join_team Deleted account (4782980) | |
26/02/10 09:40h | team_kick Deleted account (4782980) / by Deleted account (731826) |