Qemal 'Harry - Qemaloo7' Ibraimi  id: 10200433
CPU i7-8700 @3.7GHz
RAM 16
Videocard RTX AORUS 2070S
Storage 750 GB SSD & 1000 HDD
Motherboard ROG 370-F
OS Windows 10 Pro
Antivirus noneee
Mouse g502
Keyboard g910
Headphones Sennheiser HD 598SR
Drink vodka
Food kebab
Movie interstellar
Music electronic
Song Rufus du sol or Bob Moses
Book Il giorno della civetta
Book author Leonardo Sciascia
Sport e-sports
Map oregon
Player me, myself and I
Game Hero smoke
Genre pew pew
Console pc
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://youtube.com/Qemal0..
Website 2 http://www.twitch.tv/qema..
Website 3 https://twitter.com/Qemal..
Website 4 https://r6tab.com/535c5dd..
Playing cs since 2004, I am really appasionated with competitive games and fps.
Always in seek of new adventures!
Follow me on:
www.twitch.tv/qemaloo7 and twitter.com/Qemal_Ibra :D thanks!