Miles  id: 1841164
CPU Intel i7 2600k @4,4ghz
RAM 16 gb Corsair Vengeance 1600mhz
Videocard Geforce GTX 570 Phantom
Soundcard on Board 7.1
Storage ADATA SSD 120gb, Samsung SATA2 HDD 500GB 501LJ
Motherboard ASUS Sabertooth P67
Display Ssmsung Syncmaster p2370
OS Windows 7
CD/DVD ein DVD laufwerk
Mouse MX 518
Mouse Skatez kp
Mousepad Razer eXactmat
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Fatality
Connection Dsl 6000
Wheel/Pedals nein leider nicht!
Joypad Logitech Dual Action
Sound system Awia 5.1
Console(s) Ps2, Nintendo 64
Mobile Phone Iphone 4s
Drink Volvic, Tee
Food Selbstgekochtes ;) Ich sag nur Jamie Oliver...
Movie Zombieland, Liebe braucht keine Ferien
Music The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, Reverand a. t. M.
Song Cornerstone, Sway, Standing next to me
Book Eine seltsame Affäre, Die letzte Rechnung uvm
Book author Peter Robinson
Person Candy....
Actor / Actress Michael j. Fox, Emma Stone, Adam Brody,Zach Braff
Car Audi RS 6
Sport Eishockey, Skaterhockey
Athlete Joe Sakic, Matt Duchene
Map de_Nuke, de_inferno, de_d2
Game Hero George Stobbart
Genre eine 0
Console PS2
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2
Website 3
Website 4 http://www.musiker-board...

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