Jeff <3 M.  id: 1910247
CPU Intel® Core™2 CPU 6600 @ 3.15GHz
RAM G.E.I.L Ultra DIMM 2 GB DDR2-667 Kit (2048 MB)
Videocard ASUS EN8800GTX/HTDP (768 MB)
Soundcard High Definition Audio Controller 7.1
Storage 250 GB WesternDigital
Motherboard Asus P5B Deluxe
Display Acer 19 Zoll Widescreen
OS Windows XP Professional SP3
Antivirus Avira Antivir
CD/DVD Samsung DvD Brenner
Mouse Logitech MX 518
Mousepad Ohne Dich ist alles doof.
Keyboard Standart
Headphones Speedlink Medusa 5.1 Headset
Connection Versatel DSL 6000
Drink Wodka Redbull, Baccardi Cola, Caipirinha
Food alles mögliche : )
Movie Stirb Langsam 4.0, Saw, John Rambo
Music House, Electro, Trance, R´n´b and Soul,
Book Der stille Schüler
Person meine freundin (:
Actor / Actress Nicolas Cage
Car Audi, Porsche, Bentley, BenZ
Sport Fussball, Tennis, American Football
Athlete Rafael van der Vaart, Miro Klose, Klinsmann
Map NVA Base, Bahnar, Halongport, IndianCountry
Clan PdH|vc. und PoundeX
Player major and his comments ;)
Game Hero A i m l e z Z
Genre Egoshooter
Favourite Websites
Website 1
Website 2 http://www.power-portal.t..
Website 3 http://www.bitfactory.dyn..