Hardware | |
CPU | Q9300 @ 4x2.5 GHZ |
RAM | OCZ Platinum 4096MB |
Videocard | EVGA 9600 GT SSC |
Soundcard | Soundhack ;) |
Storage | -NC- |
Motherboard | Asus P5N-D |
Display | Samsung 226BW |
OS | XP |
CD/DVD | LG & Samsung |
Mouse | MX518 |
Mouse Skatez | CYBER-SKATEZ |
Mousepad | NUKEZ-Z8 |
Keyboard | G15 |
Headphones | Raptor H1 |
Connection | 16000+ |
Wheel/Pedals | -_- |
Joypad | -_- |
TV | -_- |
Sound system | -_- |
Console(s) | -_- |
Handheld(s) | -_- |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Cab Cola |
Food | Pizza |
Movie | Lord of War |
Music | HardbaSS |
Song | -_- |
Book | -_- |
Book author | -_- |
Person | Only Me |
Actor / Actress | -_- |
Car | -_- BMW -_- |
Sport | -_- |
Athlete | -_- |
Favourite... | |
Map | de_dust2 |
Clan | -_- |
Player | -_- |
Game Hero | Duke Nukem |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | -_- |
Genre | -_- |
Console | -_- |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://-_- |
Website 2 | http://-_- |
Website 3 | http://-_- |
Website 4 | http://-_- |
This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, And 100% reason to remember the name! rapt99r^off: say fun B-Real: fun B-Real: f steht für freunde B-Real: u steht für uns B-Real: n steht für nukleare zerstörung B-Real: xD rapt99r^off: lol |