Daniel 'Feigling' Born  id: 27460
CPU Intel Q6600
RAM DDR2 800 - 8GB
Videocard ASUS 8800GTX
Soundcard irgent´nen onboard schrott
Storage Seagate 250GB + x
Motherboard ASUS P5N-E-SLI
Display 21" tft
OS Win 7 Ultimate 64bit
CD/DVD unter anderem ein Pioneer 18x DL R/W
Mouse Logitech MX518
Mousepad Steelpad QcK
Keyboard Revoltec Schrott
Headphones Plantronics Gamecon
Connection T-Online VDSL50
Drink Wass0r
Food warmes is IN
Movie HDR / Why we fight, Die guten Kriege der USA
Music so bum bum
Song ja öh, bum bum ^^
Book lesen oO
Book author ~~~
Person Achmed
Actor / Actress Achmed
Car brum bruuum
Sport treib sport oder bleib gesund
Athlete oO
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.p0ser.de
Website 2 http://www.youtube.com/wa..
-> inactive <-
Clan-History,Awards etc unter "weiter"
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Battlefield 1942
► 1st CS_Doctors_9 -- =]eXe[=
► 2nd CB OpenCup I -- n!faculty
► 1st BK Lan XXL1 -- s²d
► 2nd NorthCon Sommer04 -- s²d
► 1st Ethletics Finals MCL2k -- BIOWAR
► 2nd WWCL Fianls VI -- BIOWAR
► 3rd the Zenith -- diG
► 1st NSN v7.0 -- diG
► 1st CB OpenCup IV -- diG
► 1st Lan-Fact -- diG
► 4th NGL Finals III -- diG
► 2nd The Summit VII -- TcT@friends lol

Battlefield 2
► 4th BF 2 Big Teams Opening Cup -- Zion
► 1st The Summit -- Zion
► 2nd Leaguez Opening Cup -- Zion
► 10th ESL EPS Season VII -- Zion
► 3rd CB OpenCup I -- fBi
► 2nd NationsCup IX - Team-GER.bf2
► 6th ESL EPS Season VIII -- Team-coolTronik
► 1st The Summit VII -- Team-coolTronik
► 2nd ESL EPS Season IX -- Team-coolTronik
► 4th ESL EPS Season IX Finals -- Team-coolTronik
► 3rd CB Eurocup XIV -- Team-coolTronik
► 2nd ESL Infantry Nations Championship Finals -- Team-GER.bf2
► 2nd ESL Conquest Nations Championship Finals -- Team-GER.bf2
► 2nd BF2 Conquest Spring cup Finals -- FBI

World in Conflict
► 10th ESL EPS Season XII -- mSmworld.de


► 13.05.04 - xx.xx.xx : MachtWerk
► 01.11.04 - xx.xx.xx : Team-NRW.bf
► 05.01.06 - xx.xx.xx : Team Germany.bf2
► 11.07.06 - xx.xx.xx : Nordrhein-Westfalen

Team History

► 08.08.03 - 28.11.03 : one.magic
► 29.11.03 - 15.03.04 : eXe.viruz
► 15.03.04 - 30.03.04 : n!facutly
► 08.04.04 - 02.08.04 : s²d
► 05.08.04 - 24.09.04 : Biowar
► 24.09.04 - 14.07.05 : diGNIFIED
► 14.07.05 - 17.12.05 : ZION.bf2
► 11.12.05 - 26.04.06 : Federal Battlefield Institute
► 26.04.06 - 28.02.07 : Team-CoolTronik
► 28.02.07 - 10.06.07 : Federal Battlefield Institute
► 28.02.07 - 10.08.07 : evoplay
► 26.01.08 - 30.05.08 : mSmworld.de


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Battlefield2142 !!!

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