Marius 'FirstLady' Biela  id: 49826
CPU e6750
RAM 2048
Soundcard SB ZS
Motherboard P5W DH Deluxe
Mouse Dual Optical
Mousepad QCK+
Headphones Medusa Home Edition
Console(s) NES
Drink Kaltes Klares Wasser
Food Mango
Movie Taxi Driver
Music elektronic stuff
Song Riders on the Storm
Book the Hobbit
Book author Tolkien
Person Mamsen
Actor / Actress Robert De Niro, Kevin Spacey
Car S5
Sport eSports
Map de_bett
Game Hero Dragon Knight
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) For Lordaeron!

"Ehre und Stärke!" - SPQR

1. Platz - CS:S Team-Prototyp 5on5 #2
1. Platz - CS:S Stammkneipe Sommercup 2007
1. Platz - CS:S Evercup Friday 5on5 #310
1. Platz - CS:S Late Night Challenge 5on5 #34
2. Platz - CS:S Stammkneipe Sommercup 2006