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  Fight Club  Rio de Janeiro  id:  1888026
Name Fight Club
Shorthandle Fight Club
Registered since 12/06/06
Subteam of Fight Club
Headquarters  Brazil
1st rule: You do not talk about Fight Club
2nd rule: You do not talk about Fight Club
3rd rule: If someone yells stop, goes limb, tapps out, the fight is over
4th rule: Only 2 guys to a fight
5th rule: One fight at a time fellows
6th rule: No shirts, no shoes
7th rule: Fights will go on as long as they have to
8th rule: If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight

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Du bist nicht dein Job. Du bist nicht das Geld auf deinem Konto. Nicht das Auto, das du fährst, nicht der Inhalt deiner Brieftasche. Und nicht deine blöde Cargo-Hose. Du bist der singende, tanzende Abschaum der Welt!
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