► MYO - MakeYourOwn Gaming in co-operation with ROCCAT-GAMINGWEAR and Graphics are powered by XGraphics4u
Esport Graphics, -gaming, -concepts, -ideas, -planning and conversion
INFOS at: [email protected]
¬ Infos:
Website: in work...!
IRC.QNet: #xgs4u, #makeyourown, #myown
Head office: Würzburg, Germany
Establishment: 20.09.2009
¬ Teamtaggs:
- mkyo
- myown
- mYo
- MakeYourOwn
- makeYourown
- esports-origin
- eso
¬ Management & Organizer:
Fredéric 'henzai' F.
Oliver 'kiLLu' G.
¬ Sponsors, Partner, Organizer and Supporter:
- XGRAPHICS - Graphic Production
- ROCCAT - Gaminggear
¬ Teamware powered by:
- Flyeralarm - Pressure and Advertisement
¬ Teamware MYO.Staff
- Flyeralarm - Teamware
- Wandelware - Teamware
¬ Server powered by:
¬ Partner:
- Team-FHD #FinalHardcoreDivision
- Steelseries.com #esoSteelpad2010 is coming next!
- ESB #Community
- QPAD #Gaming Gear
- ROCCAT #Gaming Gear |