EuroAiM eSport Alpha  BF2142  id:  3716670
Name EuroAiM eSport Alpha
Shorthandle Eu|AiM
Registered since 18/12/08
IRC Eu|AiM  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  European Union
IRC Eu|AiM  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Battlefield 2142 Infantry 5on5 Winter Cup 2009
wins   BULLFROG  + 3 Monday, 09/02/09 15:00 7
wins   Clan SPAIN .BF2142  + 3 Monday, 02/02/09 15:00 3
wins   Born 2 Frag BF2142  + 3 Monday, 26/01/09 15:00 6
Euro|AiM No longer play BF2142. Hope to see you all in next BF. A special thanks to Don't Care and Team WoD for all the pcw's.

Euro|AiM eSport Alpha


Euro|AiM eSport Roster:

Team Owner: Andinho
Team Owner: LolyN
Player: Sgt.Nichols
Player: Ezekiel
Player: Gerrah
Player: haXy`
Player: Lackin
Player: Stolheis
Player: Mr.Noname
Player: Slaney
Player: Spongeblunt
Player: oohraa
Player: ReVaN
Player: HardRocx
Player: AeRo


Euro|AiM eSport Awards:

1st. In the European ESL Infantry Ladder
1st. In the European Clanbase Cup Infantry Spring 2009
1st. In the European Clanbase Cup Infantry Fall 2009
1st. In the European Clanbase Titan Ladder
1st. In the European Clanbase Infantry Ladder
1st. In the European ESL Wintercup 2nd. League
Unbeaten in official matches within all competitive leagues


Euro|AiM Battlefield lessons:
Eu|AiM outkill