inSaNe 2002   id:  375813
Name inSaNe 2002
Registered since 10/11/02
Homepage http://web62.cyberwebserver-03..
IRC #NewK  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
IRC #NewK  (QuakeNet)
Join team
[ We are inactive ` THX 2 all for the nice time and special thx to all members ! ]

[ contact ]

krypton , stOned oder newk in #NewK qryn - zur Not andere Fighter

[ Server - Anticheat ]

- Server könnten wir besorgen (Absprache IRC)
- CD 2.7 / WWCL / Soundcheck
- Demos / Screens / cvarlist ex_

[ WonIDs ]

stOned - 3569903
crashman - 3808649
dark - 550501
fLy - 251857
lila - 220723
mauri - 2388696
NewK - 2466215
norm - 1901074

Matu - orga

[ We are inactive ` THX 2 all for the nice time and special thx to all members ! ]