HEARTBEAT   id:  5301776
Shorthandle (=
Registered since 06/09/10
IRC #connected.invite  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
AWP 33-0-0 ٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶

The best way to have a good friend, is to be one yourself.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing your enthusiasm.. Success is not final, failure is not fatal - it's the courage to continue that counts.

Our succes on MORE ;)
IRC #connected.invite  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
loss   yIOLE  -24 Monday, 01/02/16 18:49 2
wins   Sotep&Teco  + 7 Monday, 01/02/16 18:29
wins   ziemlich aimschwach  + 17 Monday, 01/02/16 18:05
wins   100-0-0  + 23 Monday, 01/02/16 17:44
wins   ihr penispumpen  + 15 Monday, 01/02/16 17:29
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AWP Europe
loss   BLAUZAHN  -32 Monday, 01/02/16 17:09
wins   Drückeberger  + 8 Saturday, 30/01/16 20:08
wins   eXileD.Es  + 6 Saturday, 30/01/16 19:48
wins   zugriff a la carsten stahl  + 20 Saturday, 30/01/16 19:23
wins   YMCMB  + 15 Saturday, 30/01/16 18:58