SNAP! Out of Control   id:  8095642
Name SNAP! Out of Control
Shorthandle [SNAP]
Registered since 06/12/13
Subteam of SNAP
Headquarters  Italy
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 4 5on5 ITALIAN PRO LEAGUE II
wins   Red Dragons  + 3 Monday, 17/03/14 13:00 8
wins   Mad Monkeys  + 3 Monday, 10/03/14 13:00 8
wins   (bye)  Monday, 03/03/14 12:00
wins   88* Rgt. Ironstorm  + 3 Monday, 24/02/14 12:00 9
wins   X-SLAY Clan  + 3 Monday, 17/02/14 12:00 8
wins   PLOTONE VALCHIRIA T.F.45  + 3 Monday, 10/02/14 12:00 7
wins   Italian X Team  + 3 Monday, 03/02/14 12:00 9
wins   ExAequo.ITA Team Community  + 3 Monday, 27/01/14 12:00 10
wins   Arrowhead Gaming Italia - Bf4  + 3 Monday, 20/01/14 12:00 5