Disappointing Our Fans   id:  8938321
Name Disappointing Our Fans
Shorthandle Koffie?
Registered since 23/02/15
Headquarters  Netherlands
Teamspeak : netherlandswr.eu

Some people pray to god, but we thank our self for the awesome dinners.
Honorary member
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Latest matches
  War Rock Open Ladder 3on3+ CQC Europe
loss   LUL SQUAD  -10 Monday, 16/03/15 15:30 11
wins   Born2Kill  + 5 Saturday, 07/03/15 16:35 11
wins   TheAdorablex3.v2  + 1 Thursday, 05/03/15 17:10 10
wins   EnergyTeam.wr  + 8 Thursday, 05/03/15 12:30 10
wins   TryHard WR  + 12 Wednesday, 04/03/15 16:30 12
wins   Nice Bro !  + 9 Wednesday, 04/03/15 16:00 11