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Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS - Finały miesiąca lipca
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27.07.12 nashory Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #48 (15/07/2012)
created from rating comment match
16.07.12 HERO .cup Detail
16.07.12 STARRzz Detail
15.07.12 PRAWILNI Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #47 (12/07/2012)
created from rating comment match
12.07.12 KLATA PLECY BARKI Detail
12.07.12 Elite Group#iG. Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #46 (09/07/2012)
created from rating comment match
10.07.12 Maximum Effort Detail
09.07.12 NUMER JEDEN Detail
09.07.12 sprayNpray Cup Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #45 (06/07/2012)
created from rating comment match
07.07.12 nashory Detail
06.07.12 jedynki Detail
06.07.12 GoodCats.lol Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #41
created from rating comment match
24.04.12 eXilio 5on5 Detail
10.04.12 mixownia Detail
10.04.12 Bravestars.cup Detail
10.04.12 Znane mordy Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #42
created from rating comment match
16.04.12 WYCHOWANI NA LAGACH.cups Detail
15.04.12 Znane mordy Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS Finał Miesiąca - Marzec
created from rating comment match
26.03.12 TAJNA ORGANIZACJA cup Detail
25.03.12 team-sky.cup Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #37
created from rating comment match
12.03.12 MagicPlay Detail
11.03.12 ADHD! Detail
11.03.12 hyperreal Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #36
created from rating comment match
08.03.12 TAJNA ORGANIZACJA cup Detail
08.03.12 KOT MARIAN.cup Detail
08.03.12 aa Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 #35
created from rating comment match
05.03.12 Need For Skill Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 5on5 GoPL4CS #34 HOT CUP
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19.02.12 team-sky.cup Detail
19.02.12 BeMyFrag Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 5on5 GoPL4CS #33
created from rating comment match
16.02.12 eXilio #cup Detail
16.02.12 bum bum bach.cup Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 5on5 GoPL4CS #31
created from rating comment match
07.02.12 BoomSlave #eu Detail
07.02.12 BoomSlave #cups Detail
07.02.12 eXilio #cup Detail
07.02.12 TEAM NA CUP Detail
07.02.12 bum bum bach.cup Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.02.12 WIZJA LOKALNA Detail
05.02.12 BeMyFrag Detail
04.02.12 munkka Detail
03.02.12 2pc Detail
03.02.12 Recoil Control Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS Finał Miesiąca - Styczen 2012
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30.01.12 kokosy GoPL4CS Styczen Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #29 Hot Cup
created from rating comment match
25.01.12 iN FLAMES Detail
24.01.12 nitro-team Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #27 Hot Cup
created from rating comment match
20.01.12 PlayGENE gopl Detail
20.01.12 Upaleni innym Sloncem /cup/ Detail
20.01.12 Aquintra Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #25
created from rating comment match
15.01.12 HOMiES! Detail
15.01.12 ABSURD Cup Detail
15.01.12 TERROR # CUP Detail
15.01.12 MODELKI Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #23 Hot Cup
created from rating comment match
11.01.12 GUMISIE Detail
11.01.12 SADISTIC LOVE Detail
11.01.12 k0nskyTEAM Detail

Counter-Strike GoPL4CS 5on5 GoPL4CS #22
created from rating comment match
10.01.12 MODELKI Detail
10.01.12 HOMiES.cup Detail
09.01.12 trufle gaming #cup Detail
09.01.12 Like My Style Detail
09.01.12 RADIANCE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Summer Cup 2
created from rating comment match
05.09.11 AMNESIA CS:GO Detail
03.09.11 HCL-Gaming cup Detail
31.08.11 bang! Detail
28.08.11 HAREVEST.cup Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Summer Cup 2
created from rating comment match
04.09.11 Yebaki 2on2 Detail
02.09.11 BioT Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 puchar wiosenny
created from rating comment match
17.04.11 Against All Odds.cup Detail
15.04.11 ZKteam ! Detail
13.04.11 Have a nice day Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 puchar wiosenny
created from rating comment match
17.04.11 powerade. 3on3 Detail
15.04.11 blindness Detail
13.04.11 HELLO! Detail
11.04.11 dsadasadsasds Detail
09.04.11 Koksy z MMA 3on3 Detail

ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike III tura kwalifikacyjna
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03.04.11 RIVALRY Detail
01.04.11 U MARKA Detail

ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike II tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
28.03.11 iNET only.EPS Detail

ESL Pro Series Season 2 Counter-Strike I tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
27.03.11 BenQ DELTAeSPORTS.COM Detail
25.03.11 theORYGINALS Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
07.03.11 slice of life Detail
23.02.11 Najgorsi 3x3 Detail
17.02.11 Najgorsi 3x3 Detail
16.02.11 DRUZYNA SMIECHU 3x3 cup Detail
16.02.11 CZARNY ROCK 3x3 Detail
16.02.11 Family Brown Detail
13.02.11 Everybody has those days Detail
13.02.11 STAWIAMY BETON Detail
10.02.11 CompNET2 Detail
10.02.11 WYBOROWA 3on3 Detail
10.02.11 NeverDieAlone 3on3. cs Detail
02.02.11 Dopalacze Suck Detail
31.01.11 Malanowski & Partnerzy Detail
26.01.11 CPL Detail
15.01.11 hooligans Detail
06.01.11 SWARM 3on3 Detail
06.01.11 Fight-Zone 3on3 Detail
06.01.11 Paranormal Activity 3v3 Detail
06.01.11 FRAGLINE Detail
22.12.10 CZARNY ROCK 3on3 Detail
21.12.10 toy machine 3on3 Detail
21.12.10 ChrOpOwate Yezozwierze Detail
21.12.10 Lemury Z Glebi Lasu Detail
19.12.10 KNOLE Detail
19.12.10 JURWA! Detail
16.12.10 FragPerSecond Detail
16.12.10 TEAM ODPALACZE Detail
16.12.10 drunk Detail
16.12.10 empty Detail
15.12.10 CZARNY ROCK 3on3 Detail
15.12.10 empty Detail
15.12.10 Komisja Edukacji Narodowej.3/3 Detail
14.12.10 toy machine 3on3 Detail
14.12.10 Paranormal Activity 3v3 Detail
14.12.10 6# Tip-Top Detail
14.12.10 KNOLE Detail
14.12.10 empty Detail
12.12.10 Fear after PedoBear Detail
12.12.10 Kolokwium?! Detail
11.12.10 WhySoSerious? Detail
11.12.10 Lemury Z Glebi Lasu Detail
11.12.10 palimy z wiadra Detail
09.12.10 CZARNY ROCK 3on3 Detail
09.12.10 voltares omnis Detail
09.12.10 Kolokwium?! Detail
05.12.10 West coast Detail
20.11.10 Jersey SHORE mvp Detail
20.11.10 hooligans Detail
20.11.10 Ekipa TWM Detail
14.11.10 lleeeett Detail
14.11.10 DramaT SQUAD Detail
08.11.10 Like Mike Detail
07.11.10 FOBIA. Detail
07.11.10 TZO SIE CZAIZ? Detail
06.11.10 HOSTAGE Detail
06.11.10 WYBOROWA:D Detail
06.11.10 YELLOWMELLOW Detail
06.11.10 tim FACEBOOK Detail
06.11.10 Like Mike Detail
05.11.10 JURWA! Detail
05.11.10 DRAMA THEORY Detail
05.11.10 Sons of Anarchy Detail
04.11.10 YELLOWMELLOW Detail
04.11.10 WYBOROWA:D Detail
04.11.10 old school Detail
02.11.10 old school Detail
01.11.10 three continental Detail
01.11.10 hooligans Detail
31.10.10 FRAGLINE Detail
31.10.10 Get your ass up Detail
31.10.10 tim WESSTEK Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 NightCup #13 - 3on3 AWP
created from rating comment match
01.02.11 low skill klan Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.01.11 team.unskilled.cs.3on3 Detail
15.01.11 die daeublers Detail
15.01.11 on cocaine Detail