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BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
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14.07.14 MhSV eSports - BF4 Detail
10.07.14 Cold Hands Cro Detail
07.07.14 Thunder Dragons Detail
06.07.14 Not-Suspect eSport 3310 Detail
03.07.14 MhSV eSports - BF4 Detail
29.06.14 Anarchy 99 Detail
26.06.14 Savages .BF4 Detail
23.06.14 PLAYMAKERS eSport Detail
19.06.14 Manguste AtilaX Detail
16.06.14 Iconic eSport DK Detail
15.06.14 TBA.- BF4 Detail
09.06.14 vS Esports Detail
05.06.14 PSF Detail
01.06.14 FLUX Gaming Detail
29.05.14 Savages .BF4 Detail
28.04.14 Not-Suspect Detail
22.12.13 Team Kappa Detail
15.12.13 Man Or Mouse Detail
10.12.13 Frogs of War Detail
09.12.13 Grow uP Gaming Battlefield gg++ Detail
19.11.13 XI-Gaming.BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #26 - 06/07/14
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06.07.14 InFamouS Detail

Battlefield 4 5on5 5on5 Infantry Avanzado 2
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20.03.14 Karma BF4 Alpha Detail

Battlefield 4 5on5 A-Series
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17.03.14 IPEX Gaming Club Detail
12.03.14 Rising Stars Gaming Detail
10.03.14 Grow uP Gaming Battlefield Detail
22.12.13 FTW eSports Detail
16.12.13 Another View BF4 Team Detail
11.12.13 Ozone Giants BF4 Detail
09.12.13 Expendables Gaming Detail
04.12.13 Another View BF4 Team Detail
02.12.13 NAM BF4 Detail
01.12.13 iPeX Gaming Detail
24.11.13 NAM BF4 Detail
24.11.13 Ozone Giants BF4 Detail
20.11.13 ProtoType e-sports Detail

Battlefield 4 5on5 5on5 Infantry Avanzado
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14.03.14 IPEX Gaming Club Detail

Battlefield 4 5on5 5on5 copa navideña
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23.12.13 NAM BF4 Detail
23.12.13 IPEX Gaming Club Detail

Battlefield 4 5on5 Test Dominacion
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09.11.13 NAM BF4 Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 A-Series
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25.06.13 R3D Nation Detail
22.06.13 Team Vengeance.BF3 (Off) Detail
29.04.13 TeamRefleX Detail
15.04.13 RSA-gaming BF3 Detail
14.04.13 d2T BF4 Detail
11.04.13 Team Infused .BF4 Detail
10.04.13 Cold Hands Cro Detail
07.04.13 Alive eSports Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Liga Otono 2k12 Playoffs
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29.01.13 NAM Detail
21.01.13 Ozone Giants BF4 GG Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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17.01.13 Manguste AtilaX Detail
20.12.12 CryMotion E-Sports Detail
12.12.12 TEPU Detail
11.12.12 All in One Gaming Detail
11.12.12 Remake eSports.BF3 Detail
04.12.12 No Butter Team Ultra Detail
30.11.12 eXXtreme3D .BF3 Detail
24.11.12 EUROWARRIORS Detail
18.11.12 Th3 unKn0wn Detail
13.11.12 NS nEo Detail
11.11.12 Pandemic Brigade Detail
10.11.12 PsO BF3 Detail
09.11.12 ptFORCE.justBIT Detail
08.11.12 Free Player Spirit Insults Detail
08.11.12 Karma BF4 Alpha Detail
07.11.12 no Butter Team eXtra Detail
06.11.12 Audere Semper e-sport TJ Detail
04.11.12 AlienS e-Sports Detail
31.10.12 Dirty Swedes Detail
25.10.12 Team Frostbite D Detail
19.10.12 Audere Semper - Team Foxtrot Detail
10.10.12 0s Marretas Detail
09.10.12 Th3 unKn0wn Detail
07.10.12 no Butter Team eXtra Detail
03.10.12 Dirty Swedes Detail
30.09.12 Gece Nobeti Team Detail
29.09.12 Team Force ! Detail
28.09.12 eVoluTioN maniaX Detail
05.09.12 ImpAct.Eu Detail
30.08.12 All in GI flaming Detail
22.08.12 Evil Empire bf. Detail
21.08.12 Herne Heroes Detail
10.08.12 Fraga Clan Detail
19.07.12 Remake eSports.BF3 rage Detail
17.07.12 Imonium Detail
16.07.12 siX.pack Detail
15.07.12 CrossFire Bravo Team Detail
12.06.12 -------- Detail
06.06.12 Probytes Battlefield3 Detail
02.06.12 Karn eSports Team - BF3 (PT) Detail
31.05.12 Portugal Force Detail
29.04.12 CdoItalia Detail
23.04.12 Seyfert Gaming Detail
20.04.12 Hopeless Heroes gg Detail
24.03.12 Team Frostbite Artisan.BF4 Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Liga Otoño 2k12 SIL
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18.12.12 NAM Detail
14.12.12 ORBITAL GAMING gg señores Detail
08.12.12 Expendables Gaming Detail
12.11.12 BOA Detail
04.11.12 Wall-ES Squad B Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #48
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05.11.12 Team Shockwar.com Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series Halloween Cup 2012
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31.10.12 Expendables Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #45
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15.10.12 Team Shockwar.com Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #44
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08.10.12 PLS_SHOOT Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series King Of Final CQ Infantry Semana 9 Temporada 3
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27.09.12 Expendables Gaming Detail
24.09.12 BOA Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series King Of Autovía Teheran CQ Infantry Semana 6 Temporada 3
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06.09.12 Optimus Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Summer Cup 2012 - Playoffs
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02.09.12 RENT-US Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series King Of Gran Bazar CQ Infantry Semana 5 Temporada 3
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30.08.12 NAM Detail
30.08.12 Optimus Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Liga Verano 2k12 PlayOffs
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28.08.12 ONLAINERS Detail

Battlefield 3 Seasonal Leagues Liga Verano 2k12 5on5
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12.08.12 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
05.08.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series King Of Canales Noshahr CQ Infantry Semana 2 Temporada 3
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12.08.12 ONLAINERS Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Summer Cup 2012
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05.08.12 R5 Detail
29.07.12 energy-WAVE e.V. Detail
22.07.12 Skill-Hunters Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series King Of Operation Metro CQ Infantry Semana 1 Temporada 3
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05.08.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail
03.08.12 BPA Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Ladder
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12.07.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail
29.06.12 BF3 - Fallen Orcs Detail
21.06.12 BPA Detail
17.06.12 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
16.06.12 Are u Ready? Detail
04.06.12 EOLianos Detail
24.05.12 Team Jedsot Detail
15.05.12 BF3 - Fallen Orcs Detail
14.05.12 Blacks Killer Squad Detail
04.05.12 BLACKWATER Detail
01.05.12 Team Jedsot Detail
22.04.12 Blacks Killer Squad Detail
22.04.12 nTek e.Sports Detail
22.04.12 l2p Detail
22.04.12 noname n/a Detail
14.04.12 Los Pasaos Detail
08.04.12 BLACKWATER Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Ladder
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11.07.12 ReaLComputerFreaks gg Detail
27.06.12 BadRespawn Detail
25.06.12 JetSet.bf Detail
17.03.12 Greek Operation Forces Squad2 Detail
13.03.12 CdoItalia Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Spanish Battlefield League - Division Amateur
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08.07.12 BPA Detail
08.06.12 Optimus Gaming Detail
03.06.12 Blacks Killer Squad Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Copa Acto de Valor
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13.06.12 Optimus Gaming Detail
12.06.12 Ozone Giants BF4 Detail
12.06.12 Team Jedsot Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series 5on5 CQ Infantry La Novena Temporada II
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16.05.12 SEMPER BF3 Detail
16.05.12 SDG e-Sports.Battlefield 3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
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21.04.12 SEMPER BF3 Cuerpo de fuerzas especiales abando el partido cuando ganamos las 2 primeras rondas Detail