Rating Daaa Feettieeeh Booom Booom! 

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CS:S Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
created from rating comment match
10.10.11 micro & wish-as mtyvnelebi Detail
08.10.11 321 Boom Headshot Detail
08.10.11 better give up Detail
07.10.11 Nais Detail
06.10.11 3P1C 5H17 flame... Detail
03.10.11 Blue Mountain State Detail
29.09.11 er vanidoso Detail
28.09.11 Zero Detail
28.09.11 LeRage Detail
22.09.11 Harpei Sans Detail
21.09.11 NoNo&MoMo Detail
20.09.11 play or pps Detail
20.09.11 jelzin+magicman Detail
17.09.11 In memory RANK 6 2on2int Detail
16.09.11 IB10.KC Detail
14.09.11 cleaNN die erste Detail
04.09.11 eben mit Rocky gassi Detail
06.08.11 jaj team Detail
06.08.11 Fizzy Bubbele Detail
04.08.11 Is mir Wayne? Detail
04.08.11 The A Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 2on2 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.10.11 Click here Detail
08.10.11 321 Boom Headshot Detail
07.10.11 Click here Detail
06.10.11 OH MACACOS Detail
25.09.11 sackgang Detail
18.09.11 RED BULL BOYS Detail
05.08.11 GuliArjun-INter Detail
21.07.11 Sub Detail
21.07.11 TOPLAYERS! Detail
21.07.11 weil ihr toll seid weil ihr toll seid Detail
21.07.11 pOWNED Detail
19.07.11 roflcopter Detail
19.07.11 in memorandum of the SEVILLANO Detail
19.07.11 noplay Detail
19.07.11 power! Detail
18.07.11 amigos v.2 Detail
18.07.11 SoRy ! Detail
17.07.11 amazing.hg Detail
16.07.11 np np np Detail
15.07.11 das internet laesst grüssen Detail
14.07.11 win Detail
08.07.11 W-up acc Detail
29.06.11 SEGELPFERD gg++ Detail
28.06.11 xtg.2on2 Eu Detail