Rating Xel Naga Core X .Omega Squadron

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Prime World Go4PrimeWorld Cup #12 - 29/06/14
created from rating comment match
29.06.14 NERO eSports Detail

Prime World Go4PrimeWorld Cup #11 - 22/06/14
created from rating comment match
22.06.14 NERO eSports Detail

Prime World Go4PrimeWorld Cup #8 - 01/06/14
created from rating comment match
01.06.14 NERO eSports They had trouble finding the chat to say they were ready, but nice guys :)! Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.02.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
15.02.13 Armored FoXies Detail
14.02.13 Tards on Tour Detail
13.02.13 Area 51 Detail
12.02.13 My Mum Stole Your ESL Gold Detail
10.02.13 disruptive Wolfpack nice match Detail
05.02.13 Elita niesmiertelnych Detail
05.02.13 The Misfit Brigade Detail
03.02.13 Deep Tranquility 7on7 Detail
02.02.13 Dure Detail
02.02.13 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
01.02.13 Felo de se Division Detail
26.01.13 The Homicidal Maniacs Detail
26.01.13 Vae Victis Detail
26.01.13 ParasztWoT Detail
25.01.13 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
25.01.13 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
25.01.13 PHAD team Detail
24.01.13 1 SBP Blue Team Detail
24.01.13 Panzerknacker II Detail
23.01.13 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
23.01.13 Dure Detail
20.01.13 Black Hats Detail
19.01.13 UnterHundert (Club) Detail
18.01.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
18.01.13 disruptive Wolfpack Detail
17.01.13 Panzerknacker II Detail
16.01.13 Balkan Rats Detail
15.01.13 My Mum Stole Your ESL Gold Detail
15.01.13 Baltic Rush Detail
12.01.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
11.01.13 BBK Ninja Team Detail
11.01.13 Baltic Rush Detail
11.01.13 Baltic Rush Detail
10.01.13 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
10.01.13 PanzerPiraten A-Series Verspätet und dann hinhalte taktik da einige Spieler noch Cups gespielt haben.Ansonsten gg Detail
09.01.13 Pain Syndicate Detail
09.01.13 Super Pazie Detail
08.01.13 My Mum Stole Your ESL Gold Detail
08.01.13 Swedish Viking 1st Little bit late but great guys Detail
07.01.13 Pancerna Chochla BIGOS-u Detail
07.01.13 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
06.01.13 Black Hats Detail
06.01.13 1 SBP Blue Team Detail
06.01.13 Drakula Detail
05.01.13 ZMORA Detail
04.01.13 BBK Ninja Team Great guys always a pleasure Detail
04.01.13 Ashes of Sins Detail
04.01.13 Baltic Rush gg FRIENDS Detail
03.01.13 Wildgänse Detail
26.12.12 Super Pazie Detail
23.12.12 SemineX.WoT Detail
20.12.12 Panzerknacker II Detail
19.12.12 Ordo Draconis Valachorum Detail
18.12.12 The Misfit Brigade Detail
18.12.12 Ashes of Sins Detail
17.12.12 ONS Detail
16.12.12 Black Hats Detail
13.12.12 Panzerknacker II whole match took 1 1/2 hours! - and that was not our team who caused that Detail
13.12.12 Name denken wir uns noch aus Detail
11.12.12 Pain Syndicate Detail
08.12.12 BBK Ninja Team Detail
08.12.12 Baltic Rush gg Detail
07.12.12 Balkan Rats Detail
06.12.12 Name denken wir uns noch aus match took 80 minutes again Detail
05.12.12 CzechoSlovakia Division Detail
04.12.12 My Mum Stole Your ESL Gold Awesome guys, friendly and fun match. Detail
02.12.12 Black Hats Detail
30.11.12 BBK Ninja Team Good Game Detail
30.11.12 Baltic Rush DNIWWE MAKE CLOSED ROOMS )) Detail
30.11.12 ONS Detail
29.11.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
28.11.12 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
28.11.12 Ordo Draconis Valachorum Detail
23.11.12 Baltic Rush Detail
23.11.12 Dywizja Uznam we expected 15 minutes between battles enemies Detail
22.11.12 Norwegian Vikings Detail
22.11.12 ONS Detail
22.11.12 Super Pazie Detail
20.11.12 Name denken wir uns noch aus Detail
14.11.12 Baltic Rush Detail
10.11.12 Quo Detail
10.11.12 ONS Detail
09.11.12 BBK Ninja Team Detail
08.11.12 Black Hats Detail
07.11.12 Super Pazie Detail
06.11.12 RSOP Detail
04.11.12 Quo Detail
03.11.12 ONS Detail
02.11.12 Name denken wir uns noch aus Detail
01.11.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
31.10.12 Super Pazie Detail
31.10.12 Pain Syndicate Detail
31.10.12 Super Pazie Detail
30.10.12 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
30.10.12 Team Whatever Detail
29.10.12 RSOP Detail
28.10.12 Super Pazie Detail
26.10.12 Baltic Rush very bad team Detail
25.10.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
25.10.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
23.10.12 Swedish Viking 1st gg Detail
23.10.12 CzechoSlovakia Division Detail
22.10.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
22.10.12 Szwadron_Smierci Detail
17.10.12 RSOP Detail
15.10.12 Global-Hardcore-Gamers Detail
15.10.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
15.10.12 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
11.10.12 BBB Angry Lions.WoT Detail
11.10.12 Quo Detail
11.10.12 Super Pazie Detail
09.10.12 Pain Syndicate ++ sogar pünktlich ;) Detail
09.10.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
09.10.12 Szwadron_Smierci Detail
08.10.12 Baltic Rush Detail
06.10.12 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
06.10.12 ONS Detail
06.10.12 AJDUCI Detail
06.10.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
01.10.12 RSOP Detail
21.09.12 Evil Cyber Destroyers Detail
21.09.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
21.09.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
20.09.12 Harbingers of Death Detail
20.09.12 BANDITOS 7v7 Detail
19.09.12 Szwadron_Smierci Detail
14.09.12 Harbingers of Death Detail
13.09.12 Szwadron_Smierci Detail
31.08.12 Pancerny Zwiazek Taktyczny Detail
31.08.12 Harbingers of the Apocalypse Detail
31.08.12 Oruzane Snage Egoista Detail
31.08.12 Berserker Detail
31.08.12 Last Tanks Living Detail
31.08.12 Berserker Detail
31.08.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
31.08.12 Fight Club Reloaded Detail
31.08.12 116. Pz.D,Windhund-Division Detail
30.08.12 ArmoredCore Detail
30.08.12 British Born Killers Detail
30.08.12 Quo Detail
30.08.12 Kosaken-Kaffee-Clan Detail
30.08.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
29.08.12 Torpeda-Team#WoT Detail
28.08.12 Quo Detail
28.08.12 Die Horde schöne gefechte :) Detail
28.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
27.08.12 Pamparampampam squad Detail
27.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
27.08.12 Yeeeti Detail
26.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
26.08.12 5 Regiment Amuses of Enemy Detail
26.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
26.08.12 Veszett Horda gg, wp Detail
26.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
25.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
25.08.12 Quo Detail
25.08.12 5 Regiment Amuses of Enemy Detail
25.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
25.08.12 CzechoSlovakia Division Detail
25.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
24.08.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
24.08.12 Quo Detail
24.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
24.08.12 Theutron Lovagrend Detail
24.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
23.08.12 Henry Morgan Detail
23.08.12 Die Horde Detail
23.08.12 Szwadron_Smierci Detail
23.08.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
23.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
22.08.12 Oruzane Snage Egoista Detail
22.08.12 Harbingers of Death Detail
22.08.12 Yeeeti Detail
22.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
21.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
20.08.12 Die Horde Detail
20.08.12 CzechoSlovakia Division Detail
19.08.12 Danish Panzer Brigade Detail
19.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
18.08.12 Legio Dacia Felix Detail
18.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
14.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
14.08.12 Pain Syndicate Detail
13.08.12 Veszett Horda wp Detail
13.08.12 Harbingers of the Apocalypse Detail
13.08.12 Die Horde Detail
12.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
12.08.12 Pälzer Panzerkeil Detail
11.08.12 21. Deuttches Afrikakorps Detail
10.08.12 AJDUCI Detail
10.08.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
09.08.12 Germanische Front Detail
09.08.12 Veszett Horda Detail
09.08.12 Swedish Viking 1st Didnt show up in time and started the battle to late at 19.30:47 Detail
08.08.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
08.08.12 Die Horde Detail
08.08.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
07.08.12 Black Templars room wasnt created untill 21:00, they werent ready until 21: Detail
06.08.12 Big Ugly Fat Fellows Detail
06.08.12 CzolgisciBialoCzerwoni(Blue) Detail
06.08.12 Big Red 1 15 min zu spät Karte wurd nach der ersten runde gewechselt, alles wurde verzögert, uvm..... Detail
05.08.12 RoX.KIS gg Detail
04.08.12 British Born Killers Detail
02.08.12 Task Force HCB Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
31.07.12 Pain Syndicate Detail
26.07.12 Panzer Fist Detail
26.07.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
25.07.12 1PAD - Cesarskie Pazie Detail
25.07.12 Big Red 1 Detail
24.07.12 Silent Tactical Operations WoT Detail
24.07.12 Steel-Battalion Detail
22.07.12 Pälzer Panzerkeil Detail
19.07.12 1 SBP Blue Team Detail
17.07.12 Panzerknacker II Detail
15.07.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
15.07.12 Die Horde nice Detail
12.07.12 Torpeda-Team Detail
12.07.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
10.07.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
08.07.12 Panzerknacker II Detail
07.07.12 Black Templars Zeitlimits mehrfach überzogen Detail
05.07.12 Golden Panda Squad Detail
05.07.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
04.07.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
03.07.12 Die Horde Detail
03.07.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
29.06.12 Knuddl-Bande Detail
28.06.12 Lucky punks! Detail
27.06.12 Steel-Battalion Detail
26.06.12 Black Templars Detail
26.06.12 BBB Angry Lions.WoT Detail
26.06.12 Forgotten Hope Warzone Detail
23.06.12 Die Horde Detail
20.06.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
20.06.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
19.06.12 Die Horde Detail
18.06.12 Lucky punks! Detail
17.06.12 BBB ESL team II Detail
16.06.12 dotpiXels e.V. World of Tanks Detail
12.06.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
11.06.12 Knuddl-Bande Detail
07.06.12 BBB Angry Lions.WoT Detail
05.06.12 Forgotten Hope Warzone Detail
24.05.12 Black Hats Detail
23.05.12 Torpeda-Team Detail
22.05.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
20.05.12 dotpiXels e.V. World of Tanks Detail
20.05.12 dotpiXels e.V. World of Tanks Detail
16.05.12 2B: 2nd Wave Detail
13.05.12 KRAUZ gerne wieder Detail
10.05.12 Black Hats Detail
10.05.12 CS Army NEON Detail
09.05.12 Die Odenwälder Detail
08.05.12 Forgotten Hope Warzone Detail
07.05.12 xtraold WoT GG lads Detail
06.05.12 Black Hats Detail
06.05.12 Black Vengeance Detail
02.05.12 Knuddl-Bande Detail
01.05.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team Detail
01.05.12 Torpeda-Team Detail
26.04.12 Black Hats Detail
26.04.12 Torpeda-Team Detail
24.04.12 Silent Tactical Operations WoT Detail
20.04.12 Pain Syndicate Detail
19.04.12 X Polish Panzer Division Detail
19.04.12 Black Hats Detail
11.04.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team Detail
11.04.12 Die Odenwälder Detail
11.04.12 Bullet Boys CRUS Squad Detail
10.04.12 MuMu Elite Forces Detail
10.04.12 Black Hats Detail
09.04.12 X Polish Panzer Division Detail
04.04.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team Detail
03.04.12 MuMu Elite Forces gg Detail
03.04.12 Black Vengeance starkes spiel aber bitte pünktlicher werden ^^ ansonsten immer wieder gerne Detail
28.03.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team gg Detail
28.03.12 Die Frontschweine Detail
27.03.12 Evil Panda Squad Detail
27.03.12 BBB Angry Lions.WoT Detail
21.03.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team gg Detail
18.03.12 Black Vengeance gg Detail
15.03.12 Die Frontschweine Detail
11.03.12 Forgotten Hope Warzone Detail
06.03.12 CS Army Detail
06.03.12 Omni-POTENT BeingsIWoT gg&wp@all Detail
04.03.12 Big Ugly Fat Fellows Detail
01.03.12 Torpeda-Team Detail
29.02.12 DRUCKWELLE 7on7 Detail
28.02.12 Black Vengeance Detail
28.02.12 disruptive Wolfpack Detail
23.02.12 disruptive Wolfpack Detail
23.02.12 Magyar Nemzeti Tankcsapat Detail
23.02.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team Detail
21.02.12 Lazy Swine Detail
16.02.12 Ri051 Blue Elph were late over 20 minutes!!! Detail
16.02.12 Red Tide Old Detail
14.02.12 peculiar gaming e. V. Cup Team Detail
12.02.12 Special Elite Team Detail
08.02.12 DRUCKWELLE 7on7 Detail
07.02.12 Bohemian Steel Lions Division Detail
02.02.12 CS Army Detail
02.02.12 1stLT Briedziai Detail
31.01.12 Weekend WarriorZ Detail
31.01.12 Ri051 Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 37
created from rating comment match
11.03.12 The Rush Detail
11.03.12 Transform-Wolfpack gerne wieder Detail
11.03.12 Big Ugly Fat Fellows GG Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 36
created from rating comment match
04.03.12 The Rush Detail
04.03.12 1stLT Briedziai Detail
04.03.12 Special Elite Team Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 34
created from rating comment match
26.02.12 RoX.KIS ggs Detail
26.02.12 sNafu Detail
26.02.12 Capture The Flag - CTF Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 33
created from rating comment match
19.02.12 1SBP Zawisza Detail
19.02.12 Weekend WarriorZ Detail
19.02.12 Los Placa-Placa Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 32
created from rating comment match
12.02.12 TORNADO ENERGY Team Detail
12.02.12 Cavaliers gg Detail
12.02.12 Reservin Sankarit Detail

World of Tanks 7on7 EMS #10 DE Qualifiers Signups
created from rating comment match
09.02.12 SteelBiker Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 31
created from rating comment match
05.02.12 1st PAD Kucieki i Fuse Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 29
created from rating comment match
29.01.12 Evil Panda Squad Detail
29.01.12 Polish Mechanised Hussar Corps Detail
29.01.12 TCM-Gaming.WoT Detail
29.01.12 BiA Steel panthers Detail

World of Tanks Go4WoT Cup 27
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 Ri051 Detail
22.01.12 Weekend WarriorZ Detail