Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Rating History Rating Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe created to rating comment match 15.07.08 saber generation Detail 08.07.08 saber generation Detail 29.05.08 JoKeR gAming gg wp Detail 21.05.08 Salem_tdm Detail 26.04.08 z3n Gaming Detail 22.04.08 Xentinels great team great game Detail 15.04.08 Phoenix Detail 01.04.08 POWERPLAY JKA Detail 25.03.08 Xentinels Detail 13.03.08 Meet The Spartans Good game.Nice team. Detail 28.02.08 Joker Gaming Detail 22.02.08 Meet The Spartans excelent Detail 08.07.07 Jedi Sentinels Detail 03.07.07 zaKura Detail 28.06.07 starAiming.JKA-II Detail 26.06.07 sin.tdm Detail 19.06.07 Cajun Chicken what a nice game Detail 04.06.07 no Limits. TDM good game Detail 29.05.07 INACTIVE insults Detail 16.05.07 7Lives Detail 03.05.07 Jew6 .TDM Detail 01.05.07 Space Battle Rangers Jedi Knight 3 Squad cool guys Detail 19.04.07 moops gaming JKA Detail 05.04.07 zedi'Gaming vgg Detail 04.04.07 Dom's CTF crew Detail 25.03.07 Jedi Sentinels Detail 06.03.07 New Jedi Council.TDM Detail 06.03.07 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail 05.03.07 Team-aXiom Detail 04.03.07 pHobia e-sports club Detail 01.03.07 Ancient Council Detail 27.02.07 Saint Team Detail 21.02.07 RaH vgg Detail 01.02.07 brekeke Detail 30.01.07 Force Renegades no problems Detail 21.01.07 german Saber Alliance Detail 10.01.07 reAction gaming Detail 02.01.07 etnyx team Detail 12.12.06 Teh Brothers-inactive so stop challenging us fools Detail 10.12.06 Ultimate Hackers Detail 22.10.06 Funky Fun Squad nice game Detail 29.09.06 fAtality - inactive flame Detail 27.09.06 Jedi Sentinels Detail 20.09.06 We Are Killing Ourselves gg wp np Detail 11.09.06 Purification. Detail 20.08.06 Jesters of Death - Jedi Academy JoD.jkja nice people,np,wp Detail 01.08.06 Jedi Sentinels - Team Z gg wp next time take it easy;) Detail 26.07.06 Brotherhood of the Eternal SoulhunTers Detail 18.06.06 ADL Gaming Team Detail 18.06.06 xCessive Detail 04.06.06 Jedi Sentinels Detail 09.05.06 the HIGH council gg wp Detail 07.05.06 Hungarian Elite Liberation Landforce all alright Detail 04.05.06 Team DreaD Detail 02.05.06 Brothers of Sword Detail 23.04.06 Zenith lamers,didnt know rules Detail 13.04.06 ADL Gaming Team gg wp np Detail 13.04.06 The Old Jedi Academy Aurochs very good game Detail 09.04.06 Sith Lords didnt know rules Detail 26.03.06 ADL Gaming Team gg wp Detail 21.03.06 EKONOMISTI gg wp Detail 20.02.06 Saint Team gg wp Detail 19.02.06 Jedi Knights Detail 05.02.06 sfun squad gg wp Detail 22.01.06 Jedi7_inactive Detail 18.12.05 Jedi7_inactive their player was specting us and telling them our hps:-/ Detail 13.12.05 acaDe-TDM-TeaM lucky sA Detail 08.12.05 with Full Force Detail 07.12.05 sfun squad they were trying to blame us with wrong limits Detail 03.12.05 Serenata.2on2 gg,2nd rnd a bit strange tactic^^ Detail 01.12.05 the HIGH council gg Detail 24.11.05 LeiSuRe-eSports e.V. Detail 23.11.05 Slaves of Force Detail 20.11.05 sA tEh zAcademy cool and relaxed:) Detail 13.11.05 sfun squad gg Detail 12.11.05 Ancients Souls of Jugement gg Detail 10.11.05 Funky Fun Squad gg Detail