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Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder
created to rating comment match
08.05.11 StopNplay Detail
06.05.11 eXplosion eSports .3v3 Bravo Detail
04.05.11 Fatal.Error Detail
03.05.11 SCIAO BELO Bad team! You know what is game \"fail play\"? Detail
30.04.11 Shac eGaming Detail
28.04.11 TeaM eXploSioN Detail
21.04.11 eXplosion eSports .3v3 Bravo Detail
02.04.11 Bogucin ftw HACKERS 100% NO PLAY Detail
26.03.11 Grow_uP_Gaming_CA Detail
25.03.11 ActiveBug Detail
24.03.11 TeaM eXploSioN Detail
21.03.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
20.03.11 Red HG Detail
17.03.11 Byle co Detail
17.03.11 S.H.A.C Detail
15.03.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
08.03.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
06.03.11 Dom Dziecka Detail
06.03.11 S.H.A.C Detail
06.03.11 HighPerformance 3on3 Detail
02.03.11 S.H.A.C Detail
26.02.11 1stCav AA:PG 3on3 Detail
26.02.11 Done Gaming Detail
26.02.11 WereWolfs Detail
25.02.11 3pplwhodontCare Detail
22.02.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
15.02.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
12.02.11 sup kiddos Detail
11.02.11 Sho.OTing Stars Detail
10.02.11 proteam03 Detail
09.02.11 sup kiddos Flame and bugs Detail
09.02.11 SCIAO BELO Detail
08.02.11 In Memory.Lethal Combination Detail
03.02.11 Rocket Fjul TeaM. Detail
02.02.11 S.H.A.C Detail
02.02.11 sup kiddos Lagbug user... no play with this team Detail
01.02.11 SCIAO BELO Detail

Combat Arms Search & Destroy 3on3 Opening Cup - Qualification #1
created to rating comment match
29.01.11 Ursula Detail
29.01.11 SCIAO BELO Detail