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BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Domination Germany
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26.11.13 Vination eSports e.V. BF4 Detail

BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
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17.11.13 56k-Sports.BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #1 - 17/11/13
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17.11.13 Team uMAV Detail
17.11.13 dominatorZ.BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup 5on5 Conquest Testcup #1
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13.11.13 Paranoia eSports BF4 Oldies Detail

Battlefield 4 Cups 5on5 Opening Cup
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12.11.13 Vination eSports e.V. BF4 Detail
11.11.13 iNTERNETMENSCHEN.BF4 Detail
11.11.13 in memory of brilles pc Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup Obliteration1
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10.11.13 Manguste AtilaX Said suca at the end of the game. Detail
10.11.13 Team Aspera Alpha Detail

Battlefield 4 Cup 5on5 Domination Testcup#1
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04.11.13 Paradox eSports.BFH Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 A-Series
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25.04.13 Bulgarian Gaming Detail
18.04.13 Iconic.eSport Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Spring Cup 2013
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17.04.13 NoSkill.eSport Official 2012. Detail
10.04.13 RED ARMY TEAM Detail
10.04.13 IAR.Gaming LU2 Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 5on5 Inf-only Summercup 2012
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30.08.12 PENTA Sports Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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10.08.12 All in GI Detail
26.07.12 Naturally Aspirated Players Detail
24.07.12 Team Frostbite Artisan.BF4 Detail
24.07.12 BF3 - Fallen Orcs Detail
17.07.12 Crazy WolfPack Detail
26.06.12 eMatiC. Gaming Detail
18.06.12 ExAequoitalia Ira Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #35
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06.08.12 RIP Hard Knocks Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Night Cup #1
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05.08.12 Team Empire.BF4 Detail
05.08.12 NoMercy Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #33
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23.07.12 Artificial Intelligence Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #31
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09.07.12 Synapse Totally bad mannered, 4 guys joined the team 1 minute before the match started, they let us wait 30m Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups 5on5 Inf-Only nonFBF After-Work Cup #1
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10.05.12 Die Ochsen Detail

Battlefield 3 Cups del cup 2
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08.05.12 RIP Hard Knocks Detail