Guards of Darkness   id:  8033543
Founded: 2003
Founders: SLASH, Scaara
Ex-leader: Cheiser
Ex-members: Goliath, Apeiron, Jone SLAVAN, Sapphire, PxL, zOrg, Yevoon, Malak, Ruth, Venom, AJ, Ness, RibSlicer, Adi, Fatal, Terror, Anti Gavnyk, DARK, Gambit, Sef, Felicita, Riyzaki, vodkabydlo, Kondr, nRaally, Silence, Caddie, Acid, Switcher

JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe: 1st place with 1220 pts after a glorious victory in a match and in a protest against 1 hit und hat sich

RuJKA TDM Spring Cup 2015: People' Choice Award for the best tactical move in a match against Double Execution

Won 4 protests of 5
Won against Freeder's team in all 3 matches
Won against Freeder's team on a Hungarian server with 98 ping
Won against Freeder's team that hard, so he deleted accounts

First Russian JK:JA team to held 1st place in a European TDM ladder
Oldest active Russian JK:JA clan