Contacts & Buddies
PsYq0  id: 3282431
Name Thomas 
Nick PsYq0
Member since 04/06/08
Age / Gender 36 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation CNCO
Main team HrzN 710er
Homepage --
Sk1LL ist, wenn Luck zur Gewohnheit wird!

Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
World of Tanks
CoD:MW2 (PC)
Show all game levels
Recent matches
  World of Tanks 1on1 ESL Series
loss 7888332  -25 Thursday, 03/07/14 11:30 2
win 2075411  +25 Saturday, 15/03/14 17:00 3
loss 5755154  -20 Saturday, 15/03/14 14:30 4
win 7888332  +25 Friday, 14/03/14 14:30 4
win 8119183  +25 Friday, 21/02/14 11:30 4
loss 4427082  -20 Monday, 13/01/14 13:30 6
win 7983256  +25 Saturday, 12/10/13 13:30 2
win 7970324  +25 Saturday, 12/10/13 11:30 2
win spockie  +25 Saturday, 28/09/13 11:30 4
loss 7957575  -20 Friday, 27/09/13 11:30 2
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